These are my friends! I hope we can all be very...
Very close.
Trapped one
Rank1: Ohhohohoho It seems I have found Callie's little friend. I hope we can become the BESTest of friends.
Rank2: It seems our adventures are about to begin! YAY!
Rank3: No wonder I don't see a lot of him around anymore Ehehehe!
(You mean besides me? Ehehe)
Eccentric One
Rank 1: This guy knows a good sandwich when he sees it!
Rank 2: Ehehe... Bit self centerd don't ya think? EHEHEH!
Magician Priestess Empress Emperor Hierophant Error! Unlisted :Doctor
Rank 1: What an odd man, just awoke to persona eh? EHEHEHEHE! Oh what FUN I'm sure we'll have.
Error! Unlisted :Hero
Rank 1: Oh she wants to be a Cadet! How noble!
Lovers Chariot Stoic One
Rank 1: Come to think of it I don't think he had any chicken....
Justice [b]Strength
Hanged Man Death Error! Unlisted
Rank 1: The man didn't FALL for my joke... Shame.
TemperanceUnGuided one
Rank 1: I wonder if my fortune will come true... EhehehDevil The Stoic one
Rank 1: Ehehehehe, I like his thoughts on sunsets.
TowerThe Multy one: Similarly Lost Soul.
Rank 1: Haru sure knows his gardening! Eheheh
Star Error! Unlisted!: Child With Laughter
Rank 1: I have high hopes for this child! I'm sure I can teach them everything I know!
Moon Lunar one
Rank 1: Aha it seems we robots both made it out alive! Good to know.
Rank 2: Oh JOY! The Robot hounds have a new Alpha! Ehehe
Rank 3: Stupid me! You made dog look bad! Booooga booga boga!
Sun Error! Unlisted: Spacy Girl
Rank 1: Guardians 2, while a good movie, feels more like it's always trying to live up to the first and the characters feel more like exaggerations of their original selves then the same characters. 8/10
[b]The World
Fanged One.
Rank 1:Oh Callie is so FUN FUN FUN! I hope we can be friends!
Rank 2: After my many travels I have returned home to see my favorite little Fox Girl is as happy as ever. It is SO good to be home!
Rank 3: Time for us to begin our wild world wind adventure as world famous... uh... Adventurers!
Rank 4: Not the fist time we burned down the house... Not gunna be the last..> EHEHE!
One of many strings
Rank 1: Oh she was such fun fun fun! We stole so much and had a great time!
Professor J: 8D's enigmatic and mysterious creator who works as a consultant for various reasurch facilities in the city of Endymion. While loud, boisterous and outgoing, Professor J tends to keep to himself and his assistants more then anything else. Kay: Professor J's Lab Assistant and... uh... To be honest 8D is still a little confused about their relationship. To him, however, she's like an older sister and confidant.