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 Final Zelia III [Cherry]

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Age : 37
Location : Somewhere past Pluto

Final Zelia III [Cherry] Empty
PostSubject: Final Zelia III [Cherry]   Final Zelia III [Cherry] EmptyThu Jun 13, 2024 3:04 pm

It was a day he had nothing on his schedule to do. No school, no church, no events. Nothing. He had planned for this day and the following days after weeks before to make sure the only thing that he would be doing is enjoying his time the way he wanted to. And what way was that you ask? It was playing the best adventure/rpg game ever created: Final Zelia III!

This game series. Oh man! It was first game he had ever convinced his parents to buy for him along with the system it was designed for. In fact now that he thought on it, it was the only game series he had when growing up. Though that wasn't a matter of his parents being strict but rather his extreme pickiness when it came to having a quality game in his hands that he could spend endless hours with and actually find the time with it enjoyable and not wasted. Yes, yes. There were other games and such around, but for him they were just pretty pictures and shallow stories that had the repetitiveness and sameness as that poster board project he had to do in early school days. No personality or fun. Just bleh. While he accepted these things were there for people who liked them, he had eyes only for the Final Zelia series.

Was it a silly thing to clear out a whole day and then some just so he could spend as much time with the game before having to go back to the grind of life?

Absolutely not. Do you know how hard existing was for him? Or how long he had to wait between releases to finally play this new addition to the game series he loved? Of course you don't and thus would not understand; however, for him this was a much welcomed break and treat for him and justified clearing of the schedule for.

The thing was he needed to zoom to the store before all the copies were gone! If he missed this chance, then only The Five would know when and if the game store would restock the game again. No. He was not going to miss chance at all!

He had his mission and at 7:00 am he was doing his morning walk straight to the game store to get his game, excited because thanks to living in the school dorms now and alone, he would be able to play the game as long as he wanted without his parents or someone else telling him to turn it off at an all too early time of day so he could go to bed on time. Ah yes. Freedom and a well made plan. It was perfect! Granted, the the only thing that could ruin this perfection was him not being able to get that game. And if that event were to occur?

Hmph! Do you really think he had time to be thinking about that when clearly the priority was getting to the store just as they opened so that he could snatch up a copy and not have said thing occur? How amusing you would assume he'd waste energy thinking how to deal with that particular scenario when he already had a foolproof plan! On top of that he knew with certainty that the store would have a copy of the game and he would obtain it with ease! Yes. Yes. Clear priorities, goals, and manifestations here people!

In any case, he would indeed make it to the game shop exactly on time, the store clerk greeting him with a cheerful good morning to which he responded back in his usual monotone and emotional way as he calmly entered the store and made a casual beeline to where he knew the copies of the game were.

Ah! There it was!

While inside he would be jumping around like a kid at a candy store on the outside he maintain his composure as a calm, collected 18 year male that showed no sign of the inward excitement to the world. He was just here that here to pick up his game and leave. Just like he had done when the second game had come out all those years ago. Completely normal and calm.

And so with his act in play, he approached the shelf and reached out to grab that last copy of Final Zelia that had been waiting just for him.
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Join date : 2024-05-24

Final Zelia III [Cherry] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final Zelia III [Cherry]   Final Zelia III [Cherry] EmptyThu Jun 13, 2024 6:33 pm

For being the first time she ever moved in her life, Cherry's departure from her mother's house to the provided apartments of her new school went pretty well all things considered. Clothes, keep sakes, boring stuff like plates and cups, all of it survived the move. And it only really took her a day or two to unpack everything. Still, even with all of the clutter cleared up and everything in it's right place, there was still something distinctly missing from it. Something that kept a mere house from being her new home. The missing presence of her mother was the leading factor of it all, she knew that. But there was also just the fact that life away from home wasn't what she expected it to be. As a child she always dreamed of having big fun parties with her totally cool roommates, always eating pizza, staying up all night, a never ending festival of joy. But she had no roommates, allowance was tight and the eerieness of a empty house at night kept her from wanting to stay up for to long. In a word. It was all just far to empty for her. It was in large part because of this, that Cherry decided to treat herself. After running a few numbers in her head and coming to the conclusion that she could PROBABLY live off of ramen noodles for a week. The blonde finally mustered up a budget to buy a single new game and she had just the perfect one in mind.

Final Zelia was the crème de la crème of the video game landscape. A towering goliath all other series aspired to reach. Cherry has only played parts of II, due to a faulty memory card and copies of I going for a unfathomable price. But today was going to be the day she partook in the newest installment of the series!

She left early and entered the gaming store right on time. The teenager sniffing out the location of the game like a shark would pick up the scent of blood. Once she found it, the giddy grin on her face was unmistakable her hand reaching out to grasp it, only stopping when she felt her knuckles brush up against another's hands.....
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Posts : 2231
Join date : 2014-10-28
Age : 37
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Final Zelia III [Cherry] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final Zelia III [Cherry]   Final Zelia III [Cherry] EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 9:37 pm

The game was right there. Right in his grasp. There would be nothing to stop his perfect plan! Nothing at --!

"Ha! So much for perfection!"

By the earth below and the heavens above. Give this child strength!

Strength. That was exactly what he was exercising heavily right now.

Unwanted touch. Unwanted mocking. Unwanted interference. All of it was a recipe for a live action tragic comedy and horror show combine with the most uncensored and sinful actions and words this city had ever had displeasure of experiencing. Oh yes had he let that impulsive and reactive side of him take control he would have a lot more than a game to worry about. However, years of playing his role in society came in handy here.

In that small window of temptation that had sprouted within, the young man did not so much as flinch or show any sign of emotion as he quickly buried it under the role he played and new so well. His mind calmed and he was able to adapt easily in the moment.

The only reaction he a brief pause in movement as his golden eyes looked to the hand that was against his and then following the pathway upward to the tall young lady who had tried to grab the same game he was after.

He give her the briefest of acknowledgements with his gaze before blinking and looking away to refocus on his mission. "Pardon me." He would say in a polite and well mannered way despite his monotone deliver. However, instead of backing off and letting her have the game, he gently moved her hand aside and took the game in his hand.

After a brief glance over it to make sure the condition of the packaging was to his liking, he would take a few steps back, give the young woman a slight apologetic bow for taking the last copy, and then thinking he was done here, he would attempt to head over to the counter to make his purchase.

Yes what he did was a bit mean and all, but at the same time he really did want this game. He had been waiting forever for it to release. Surely the young lady would understand that she would simply try again at some unknown time in the future right? That this was nothing against her? That he simply did what he had to do to obtain what he wanted? Perfectly fine..... Right?

She is trying to hold back laughter, but a snicker or two escape. She knows he hears Her and is trying to block her out knowing good and well he could not. However, it mattered not what the child did. After all She was more interested to see the outcome of this situation. So She continues to snicker as she watches this new play unfold.
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Final Zelia III [Cherry] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Final Zelia III [Cherry]   Final Zelia III [Cherry] Empty

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