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 When Dark Seas Swell

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When Dark Seas Swell Empty
PostSubject: When Dark Seas Swell   When Dark Seas Swell EmptyMon Jul 01, 2024 7:54 am

April 8th, 2015
Madrial, Riva Mare.
Act I: When Dark Seas Swell

10:03 PM

Heavy Rain. Blustering Winds. Dark Seas.

It was an unusually stormy night in Madrial, and curfew had just fallen. The streets were nearly barren, with the only signs of life being city officials patrolling the streets, as per usual, despite the heavy rain. Each of them wore black and dark green uniforms, with the sigil of the Ascannan Congregation emblazoned upon their breast and back. Adamant Vanguard, most like.

The cloaked stranger was no fool. Sure, engaging in direct confrontation with one of them was sure to end in his victory. But what would come after... He could maybe take a few, lower rank Vanguards on his own, but that would only lead to the Syrs getting involved. Couldn't have that. It was too soon, still. Too soon to point his own knife directly at the Congregation. So it was for the best to play things slow, and quietly.

He hid behind a large container meant for a supermarket's food waste, when a poor, unsuspecting Vanguard rounded the corner. The stranger's strike was quick, silent and decisive. The stiletto knife soared through the air in the strangers grip before meeting the target's fleshy throat, puncturing it with such ease one would think it a bullet fired from a gun. Two stabs followed in quick succession, one aimed at the gut, and the other at the Vanguard's heart. Death was quick and merciless. The hooded stranger caught his dying victim's body before it could fall, and without making much noise, hid it inside the trash container. The Vanguard would find his victim's  body sooner or later, but by then, it would already be too late. Three guards down. The coast was now clear. He couldn't afford to delay any longer.

The stranger headed for the harbor, making sure to stick to the shadows, and avoid detection from any patrolling guards that he may have missed. They reached the waters without a hitch, and the stranger stuck the knife inside its container, attached to a belt under the cloak, before getting to work. "You have all slept long enough." A flash of lightning lit up the otherwise dark harbor for a moment. A white mask covered the stranger's face. It was nearly featureless, with only a black rose painted on the mask's upper cheek. One instant later, and the mask was once again obscured by the shroud of night.  "Reclaim your freedom." A gloved hand reached for the ocean surface, producing an ominous, purple light, its reflection dancing upon the uneased ocean waves. The light intensified over time, as the seams of reality itself began to loosen around him. The water rose up in answer to the stranger's calling, coiling around their fingers and up their arm like a snake, yet they never touched.  "My friends." The stranger's voice rippled across all of Madrial, yet it would find no purchase in anyone's ears.  "Your time has come." With gloved hand, the stranger grasped the coiling water like a rope, before driving their hand straight into the ocean. They grasped for more water, before yanking their arm out of the sea.  A shockwave strong enough to repel even the falling rain, burst forth from the ocean as a massive, purple tear ruptured reality. It split the ocean apart, like a gaping wound. "Citizens of Gehenna! BE FREE!" Their voice roared across Madrial, as reeds of black smoke darted through the air from the rip in reply. These shapeless globs of smoke and tar splashed onto the ground all over capital, rapidly mutating into hideous abominations. Madrial was under siege.


"They're coming, just as predicted." Eloy's gaze had never drifted from the horizon this entire time, as if he was expecting something. And sure enough, black darts of smoke rose from the ocean, just like they had done four years ago... It was cyclical. A 4 year pattern of these massive Shadow Breach Incidents. "I'll alert the others." Aurelia left Eloy's office, and headed straight for the Vanguard Garrison, signaling "Code: Red".

Group C and B assembled at the Gilded Rose, awaiting orders from Squadron Leaders Eloy Di Stasio and Apollo Natali. "Everyone! The Enemy is quickly marching towards the Marble Chapel, wreacking havoc across our fair city, just as we predicted. Our time has come. As the Adamant Vanguard, we are the city's frontline defense against these villains." Eloy roused his fellow Persona Users and Anointed to action. "Group B is in charge of Defending the Chapel! Don't let them get ANY CLOSER to the Sanctuary of our Great and Noble Saints! This time, we're prepared. We'll make sure they don't have to lift a finger this time!" The two leaders looked at eachother. "Group C, this is what we've all been training for! Get out there, and halt the enemy's advance! And save as MANY CIVILIANS AS YOU CAN! If you find yourself in an unwinnable position, retreat and call for backup! Don't try to be a hero!" The group of roundabout 100 men and women in front of them both shouted in unison "AYE!" Eloy took a deep breath. "You all have your duties. Fulfil them to the best of your ability. We won't accept anything less."

"For the Congregation! GLORY TO ASCANNA!"

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