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» Stroll through the Parco [Cherry x Huayan SL]
For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) EmptyTue Jul 02, 2024 7:49 pm by Huayan

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 For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening)

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Plot Lead

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For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) Empty
PostSubject: For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening)   For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) EmptyMon Jul 01, 2024 12:39 pm

April 8th, 2015, 22:03
Madrial, Riva Mare
Condemned Bell Tower

The howling wind battered her, throwing cold rain into her face. The entire structure croaked ominously around her, the clapperless bell swinging from side to side. Amelia didn't care. She sat in the belfry, just out of sight of any passerbys, her gaze transfixed on the roiling waters.

A chirp from her phone informed her she missed curfew again. It didn't matter - she wouldn't be able to sleep anyway. Today was an anniversary of That Day - the day that upended her life. Four years now. Four years without Mother and Father. Four years of staring into the ocean.

She wasn't sure why she did it anymore. Nothing ever happened, not even on anniversaries. She just...

A flash of something purple on the edge of her vision drew her attention. Expecting a late ship or something like it, she turned... only to behold the tear in reality with wide eyes.

A distant shockwave threw her on her back, right into a puddle of rainwater, but she didn't care, still frozen in shock at what she beheld. Was this... it? Was this what happened four years ago?

Scrambling out of the puddle, she crawled to the belfry's edge, watching as black smoke coursed through the air. One stream splashed to the ground not far away, a hideous black blob rising up from the point of impact. Its hideous form stirred something within her, memories dancing on the edges of her consciousness, images long suppressed rising anew.

Rising to her feet, she left the belfry, feet barely finding purchase on the wet stones of the spiral staircase. It was stupid. She should have stayed here, away from the state's prying eyes and away from those abominations. But she couldn't. She had to see, to know what was happening - what had happened.
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For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening)   For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) EmptyMon Jul 01, 2024 6:05 pm

It was nothing short of a disaster. The city was being bombarded from the sky with shadow masses, flying into homes, stores, boats and all manner of other public property. It didn't take long for the loud lamentations of the Ascannan People to echo throughout the city, as the Shadow forces advanced through, neighbourhood after neighbourhood. Aurelia's heart was beating out of her chest with stress, but panic had not yet set in. She would not allow it. She had a duty to protect the people of Madrial at any cost, and Eloy's orders to boot. She had to save as many civilians as she possibly could.

It was Aurelia, and a group of 10 others whom had been charged with Evacuating Riva Mare's Residential District. As the Vanguard with the highest rank, further orders came from her. She had decided that the best course of action was to split up into smaller groups. That way, they could cover more ground, and hopefully save more people. At least, that was the idea. How successful that plan would end up being remained to be seen. Aurelia herself had aimed for the old, now defunct belltower in the southern end of the Residential District, which had a clear view of the ocean, and thus, the gaping rift she knew was there. Surely Apollo, Eloy and the Vanguard Syrs were already devising a plan to close it. How, she had no idea, but to her understanding, this wasn't Eloy's first rodeo.

Aurelia had only survived the last Massive Shadow Breach Incident because of her status as an Anointed. Had her weapon not awakened at the most crucial time, she would've died, along with the rest of her family. But thanks to Curtana, she avoided that fate. Her trusted companion ushered her on, impulses from his consciousness urging her to hurry up. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, with two other vanguard members in tow. "You two. Look through the buildings on the east and west for any civilians. Wake them up if you have to. I'm going for the belltower. Hurry! We don't have much time!" She commanded, before splitting off from her two other comrades. The rest of her unit held communications through a new recruit by the name of Luca Montes, whose Persona, Dionysus, had the ability to communicate vast distances across the whole city. He was one of a small group of Persona Users and Anointed within tha Vanguard with that capability. And in situations like this, Long-range communication was essential.

She arrived at the Belltower, only to see a shadowy mass of arms and eyes meander its way towards a... person. They just stood there, immobile. Probably struck with fear. "What the HELL ARE YOU DOING?! RUN!" She yelled at the civilian, as the Shadow raised its dozen arms above the girl, ready to crush them. With a flick of her wrist, Aurelia summoned an ornate, silver blade in her hand. Curtana. "Oh no, you don't!" With the strength afforded to her by the shadow weapon, Aurelia took one firm step forward, which cracked the pavement under her feet, and launched herself at the shadow. She sailed narrowly past Amelia, and plunged her blade into the writhing mass of arms and eyes. "Don't just stand there! GO! Head to the Gilded Rose! You'll be taken to safety by the rest of the Vanguard!"
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For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening)   For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) EmptyMon Jul 01, 2024 6:47 pm

Amelia staggers away from the fight, pressing her back against the wall of a house. But she does not run. Instead, she stubbornly continues to cling to the wall, her wide eyes transfixed on the battle between Aurelia and the monstrosity.
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For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening)   For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) EmptyMon Jul 01, 2024 7:34 pm

There was something wrong. There was something very, VERY wrong tonight. Cherry could feel it. A sense of paranoia gnawing at her as the night grew longer, an anxiety festering in her stomach that she couldn't explain. Was sleeping over in a new room really bothering her that much? That couldn't be it, this wasn't even the first night she spent over here. Maybe it was a build up of anxiety that was finally triggering a panic attack in her? Maybe. She never had one before, but the sudden chill running up and down her spine made her convinced that could be the case. "Cherry!" The Demon was speaking to her now. No doubt trying to capitalize on her moment of weakness. But even she had to admit that there was a emotion in his voice that she rarely ever heard from the creature.


"CHERRY! Listen to me, we need to leave. Right now." She frowned.

"Just shut up and leave me alone, I don't need this righ-" She was cut off by the sound of something crashing outside. Then the sound of another impact. And another, and another.

Jolting out of her bed in nothing but her PJ's, Cherry rushed to the window to look outside. She didn't quite understand what was happening here, it almost looked like it was raining, but instead of droplets of rain it was hailing down giant orbs of darkness. As if balls of tar were falling from the sky. Just looking at them was making her uncomfortable, they were.... Unnatural, unworldly, unholy.

Maybe leaving was a good idea after all.

"GO! GO! GO!" The Demon barked at her, his voice reverberating throughout her head as she threw open her bedroom window.

Something crashed through her roof right into her room, Cherry didn't stop to look back and see.

Heaving herself out of the window, the second her feet hit the ground she was sprinting like a rabbit being ran down by a howling pack of wolves. Her feet hitting the pavement with more force than she ever mustered before. She was going to be sore in the morning if she kept this up, but Cherry was more concerned with ensuring she actually got to see tomorrow morning at the moment.

The world around her was turning itself upside down. More of these balls of tar were hitting the ground. The darkness mutating into inky beasts of the night. Was this real? Or had she finally gone insane? Her mind snapping as she ran wildly around the streets like some loon? Surely this had to be reality, she could hear the screaming all around her, the sirens blaring in the air drowning out even her own thundering heartbeat. Or was all of that just a figment of her mind too?

She knew what she had to do in any case. She had to find her mom, make sure she is okay. After that they could seek shelter and failing that? Well, Cherry would figure it out when she got there.

Cherry was still bolting foward when she heard a familiar voice yelling out. Was that..... "Aurelia!?" Slowing down just a smidge, she finally stopped to take stock of the environment. Seeing her fellow blonde facing down a monster and another familiar face frozen in fear.

No. No they were going die.

"Cherry, don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare!" The Demon was fuming now, cursing her in tongues she has never heard before, but Cherry didn't care. She was already running. The blonde bolting over to stand infront of Amelia and to push her away.

"Amelia, you gotta go, run! I'll watch your back, just go!"
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For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening)   For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) EmptyMon Jul 01, 2024 10:43 pm

"A frightening night..." Faintly illuminated under the moon, another soul made his appearance known. "Oh, if it's okay with you..." He cast his gaze towards the two youths caught up in this mess. "May I stay with you lot? On a night like this, it's good to have company."

With that said, he began watching the fight between Aurelia and the Shadow with great interest. He had to wonder, which of them would win? The human seemed to be more powerful than most. However, was it enough? If she lost, maybe he could finish off the weakened shadow, and... No, things were to chaotic right now. He could feel his body shaking. Yet, if it was from excitement or fear, not even he knew.

"Well..." He turned towards Amelia. "You should listen to your fellows. If you stay here, you may die. Do you intend to, regardless? Or are you ready to depart?"
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Plot Lead

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For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening)   For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) EmptyTue Jul 02, 2024 12:58 pm

With a shudder, Amelia unlatched herself from the wall. So much was happening so fast, she wasn't sure if any of it was real. But, as reality strained around them, the weirdo from Pratanica(?) hacked away at a monster with a magic sword, and Cherry and the strange man stared at her expectantly, there was one thing she knew for certain.

There was no turning back. The man's question pierced through the turmoil and made clear that single truth.

"I'm..." her voice hitched as she looked between Cherry and the strange man. "I'm not running," she declared, uncharacteristic determination in her quiet voice. "This..." This was what she was waiting for. Her divine revelation. An inexplicable certainty filled her - if she ran now, she would not remember what took place today. It would fade away like a dream - just like it did four years ago. "This is something I have to do."
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For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening)   For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) EmptyYesterday at 5:57 pm

"Argh... Why isn't she running away?" Aurelia grunted as she looked over her shoulder at Amelia. As if matters weren't bad enough, two other civilians had crawled out of the woodworks. "Why aren't you all RUNNING?! Its dangerous he-" She heard something moving behind her. The shadow wasn't dead. While it had an obvious, deep cut across... what Aurelia assumed to be its "face", the Shadow clearly wasn't dead, and was raring to go for a second round. It lashed at the Vanguard Soldier, landing a clean hit on her back, causing her to tumble forward, yet she was quickly back up on her feet.

For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) Mordred-Saber-of-Red-thelefteris24-40908987-1100-1117
"Ugh...! Lucky shot. You won't get another one."

The Shadow lashed out at her again, but this time, Aurelia was prepared and deftly dodged the swing, and countered, cutting off the hand which had previously struck her in the back!

The seams between realities grew weaker and weaker by the second, and more Shadow "missiles" struck the ground near the group, surrounding them. "Tch... Shit." Things went from bad to worse, yet all wasn't lost. Within her heart of hearts, Amelia sensed an urging. A call, of sorts. It seemed to answer her desire to remember. The urge to not forget this evening. A voice spoke to her, first a mere whisper, then over time it would grow stronger until it was a booming chorus.

At the same time, a strange feeling overcame Cherry's senses, and the voice within her cried out in pain. And soon, she would share in that pain. It started suddenly, felt as though her left arm was being torn to shreds, yet if she were to look at it, nothing seemed to have changed, at first anyway. Without cause or reason it would start to badly bruise, before warping and twisting into something much more monstrous. Despite the incredible physical pain, and mental stress, her mind could not be any clearer. Was it adrenaline kicking in, or something else?

Winter, seeing all these shadows converge around them, sensed their hunger. To feed on people's desire, and grow stronger. And he shared in that desire, though it was much more directionless than their focused hunger on mortals. To him, what he ate didn't seem to matter. He wasn't mindless. Just hungry. Whether to eat the Shadows, or the humans. The choice was his.

For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) Shadow22
Enemy Team:

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For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) Empty
PostSubject: Re: For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening)   For Whom The Bell Tolls (Awakening) EmptyYesterday at 6:36 pm

Highest Allied Agility: 2 (Aurelia)
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