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 Snow Rose (Anointed)

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Snow Rose (Anointed)  Empty
PostSubject: Snow Rose (Anointed)    Snow Rose (Anointed)  EmptyThu May 30, 2024 12:44 am

The Anointed
NAME: Snow Rose
ARCANA: Death: While it is associated with foreboding and of doom, Death Arcana also symbolizes the metamorphosis and deep change, regeneration and cycles.
AGE: 18

Height: 5 ft (152.4 cm)
Weight: 100 lbs (45.35 kg)
Skin tone: Fair without a single blemish on it.  

Hair Color: Layered light pink hair that flows down to around the middle of his back if not a bit longer. The hair is well kept, even if always wanting to do its own thing. While typically worn loose with a hair ornament in it, on occasion he will gather his hair into a pony tail, braid or messy bun held in place with different types of clips and hair stick/ornaments he owns..

Eyes: Calm, deep, and slightly dark golden colored eyes. Usually he applies a light layer red eyeshadow to his eyes to enhance the look; however, there are times he can be found without said shadows.

Clothes: Snow's dress wear and looks change depending on where he is going, his mood, and if he needs to put more effort into his looks due to some special occasion/event. His style is neat, clean, reserved, and simple when out and about. He often opts for clothes that are designed for comfort and easy movement, while also being made of materials that are light enough to keep him cool in the heat, but also warm enough to keep him warm in the cold. He doesn't seem to have issue with what color he is put in though it can be said he tends to flavor muted reds, blues, golds, and turquoises. Though whatever color he choose to wear is never too much or too little and always balanced off with complimentary items and accessories.

This great care and intentional selection of clothing extends to his school uniform which is always clean and pressed. It worn neatly and properly/correctly, the young man taking great care to make sure everything about the outfit and his looks remain in place throughout the day. This attention to detail when it comes to looks and what is worn combined with his more or less handsome features and well mannered ways makes Snow a model for that adults praise and often uses an example to show with proper wear and care is suppose to look like while peers, either hate him because of this and find him intolerable, or have extreme fixations on the man that have at times caused conflict for those via for his attention and time.

PRONOUNS: He/him. Though he has been called she/her or ma'am on many occasions due to people confusing his hair color, height, and his well kept appearance with that of a woman. Occasionally, instead of using "I" or "me" to refer to himself, he will slip into the plural and use 'we" and "us" instead. The why behind this is just another mystery to add to the many that already surrounds the peculiar young man.

PERSONALITY: Enigmatic and intimidating. Intriguing and desirable. These are the words most often heard when describing the quiet, beautiful, yet strange Snow. He is known to have a soften voice that carries with it weight and power that causes most to listen when he does decides he wants to speak. He is not known to be a fighter or someone who will yell at another, but then again he doesn't have to be that way either. His words are delivered with a bluntness and honesty that is can be so strong that many will break down in front or flare up at him for his words. However, he won't so much as apologize or flinch in the face of such things. In fact he doesn't seem to express much at all as he simply observes with an always serious expression that never reveals his secrets or emotions. One can definitely say the young man is confident in who is and will not allow anyone or anything to change that fact.

Combine this with his well mannered, respectful, yet certainly not gonna take of your shit or care what you say about him attitude and one can quickly understand why the man is both loved, hated, feared, and obsessed over by his peers....and also called the King of Ice due to how aloof, uncaring, and uninterested in he is in giving attention to these flare ups or flings people have when it comes to him. He remains focused and disciplined only taking action if he deems the situation worth addressing and wasting energy on. He remains leveled headed and observant at all times using his what he takes in and experience to add to the deep well of understanding and knowledge of the world around him. As a result being able to quickly take in information, analyze it and then adjust his approach on the fly with precision and efficiency to most things thrown at him shows that he is a intelligent young man. To the world he lives in and the people around him, he is a perfect and obedient being within society with the brightest of futures blessed by the Five ahead him.

An accurate description...if it wasn't all well practiced and flawless act.

Due to the his focused, seemingly cold, focused, and disciplined ways no one truly knows Snow or even has the true to desire to do so not truly bothering him unless they are trying to get his attention or have some beef with the young man. Due to the fact this is the most common reason anyone would ever come near him, Snow shows no interest in going beyond a simple glance or a word or to let one know he is aware of their presence in a space with him. While he can play the social game and do it well, he finds this game quite draining and tiresome. Even more so when he knows the only reason he invited anywhere by anyone is to show him off like some coveted trophy as talk of where he should work or who he should marry gets flung around left and right as if it was some ball his parents and other adults can play with. While he could express his displeasure at the matter, he also knows that doing so is more trouble than it is worth in the end. After suffering just getting through life and expectations of him, Snow is at times allowed to do as he pleases.

He tends to go to quiet places where he can relax, think, enjoy a good book or good tea, observe nature and simply be away from all the noise and nonsense that makes up his reality. He is able to put aside the role he plays daily and for just a few moments breathe and be himself. Snow is a deeply spiritual and imaginative person with his own beliefs and values. He loves to create things with his hands in forms ranging from writings and drawing to small sculptures, dolls and puppets. To be given the freedom to express himself and share all that was within him without the worry of some form of judgement or punishment would be a miracle all on its own. However, he is aware that who is inside cannot be allowed to be shown to the world around him lest it bring a second hell upon him and destroy what little of himself he still holds onto now. So keeps this side protected and hidden as he does what is expected or acceptable even in his down time.

As a result of this and how his life is in general, Snow has not been able to truly learn how to deal with his emotions or be himself around another. While he can keep up the act of being unphased and emotionless, the rare time he does slip up and show some form emotion can be intense and unexpected turning him into an out of control whirlwind that has been locked away in rooms and other places until he has worn himself out and can receive a "good cleansing" to help prevent these events from happening as frequently in the future. When it comes to people and building a connection with Snow, he often finds himself struggling to communicate and socialize without coming off as strange, awkward and ungraceful. Due to betrayals in the past he does not easily trust or accept kindness making befriending and understanding the man a challenge; however, those that genuinely do give him a chance will find that underneath it all is a warm, kind and deeply caring person who in his own peculiar way supports, shows affection, and is loyal to those who become close to him. It just takes a lot time, patience, open mindedness, and kindness to get there.

BACKGROUND: Snow was an imaginative, energetic, and outspoken child that was born to parents who were reserved, strict, deeply devoted to the Five and always doing their best to uphold the rules that society and the government had laid down. To say that life for the boy and his parents was stressful, frustrating and frightening is an understatement. In his younger years there was not a day that went by when the active and creative child was shot down or scolded by his parents or teachers at school. He wanted to do as he pleased -create things, questions things, learn, explore, and speak his mind on whatever he wanted to even if said topics questioned or dare to challenge society or the very foundation that the city built upon. His parents and teachers wanted him to be quiet, obey, and stay in the lane they had chosen for him in life. The idea of him being a free spirited artist sharing his works and ideas with the world around him freely was his dream. He wanted to shake up the world and bring new ideas forward to prompt change and growth. However, the world he lived in did not welcome that. When he tried to freely speak, he was hushed and silenced. When he tried to play imaginative games about worlds with concepts that were vastly different from his peers, he was shunned by them and sent to church to repent for his sins by the adults.

Seeing that he was being blocked in some way at every turn to just be who he was, Snow took to his skills as an artist and began drawing and creating things in his journals or through the small toys and dolls he made and kept hidden in his room at all times. He was determined to keep himself in a world that sought to destroy him and make him bow to their rules and ways. he learned at an early age how to play the game of appearing to be a good child to keep himself and his parents out of trouble. Everything was going fine until he let Her in. He and she met at the age of 13. She proved through actions and words that she wanted him because she enjoyed his company and the fact they could talk on and on about the Five and other topics that were allowable. He remembered how happy was with her around back then. A whole wonderful year of pure bliss and actual hope that maybe he had finally found someone that could truly understand him. That is why after a year of dating her, he showed her his secret and gave her glimpse of who he truly was under the mask. She said she would tell no one and always love him. She said that and he believed her.

If anyone could go down in the books for as a person who had the shittiest 14th birthday ever, then Snow would be that person. What started off as a day filled with the excitement of having his favorite meal and desert cooked by his parents and being able to share turning another year older with them and his girlfriend, quickly turned into a hellish nightmare shortly after he was released from school.

He had been told earlier that morning by his girlfriend that she would not be able to walk home with him as they always did due to having to leave early to do something for the church group she was involved in. While it was a bit sad to not be able to have her out his side as he headed home that day, she did promise she would not miss his birthday celebration and would come over to his house the moment she was free. With happy thoughts in his head, he headed home expecting to be greeted by his happy parents but instead he would never make it home. Instead as he was rounding the corner to his street a dark hand would reach out for him pulling him into a strong embrace as a hand with a strange smelling cloth blocked his ability to make sound or resist as he fell into darkness.  

What happened after? He doesn't know. He just knows that when he was able to gain consciousness again that he felt as if something within him had been changed. Something was there that wasn't there before and whatever that something was it wanted out of him. He recalled telling his parents about this and they and turn taking him to the doctors who wrote it off as him just needing some more after apparently passing out for 3 or so days due to some unknown sickness? Had he really been ill and was he still recovering from it? He couldn't find the answer the answer and the blank that was his memory from back then didn't bring him any comfort.

To make matters worse while his girlfriend did come to visit him, she had only done so to hit him with the news that she no longer wanted to date him because he had tried to deceive her by appearing to be a sin free person when he was truly sin in human flesh. Confused and hurt, he tried to understand what on earth he had done and why the one who he thought loved him was suddenly saying all this all of sudden. What had happened in those days he was passed out? Why could he not remember? And why was it when he saw his parents burning a collection of notebooks and art pieces one night that he felt like those things were something important to him? What they were doing was killing some part of him? Why couldn't he move or say anything to stop him? Why? Why? Why?

Between being unable to recall anything clearly from his past combined with the whiplash of confusion, betrayal, and feeling like a part of him had been taken and replaced by an unknown right after some unknown event occurred to him, Snow quickly withdrew into himself and built up a wall to himself safe from all the emotions and hurt and also to keep others from getting close to him again. He has played the role he created to protect himself for four years. So flawless is the act that the world believes as his true self. Though with how that unknown has begun to stir and shift as of late trying to make itself more known, one has to wonder just how long he can play the role without slipping up.

Knowledge (KNW): 1
Proficiency (PRF): 1
Charm (CHR): 0
Guts (GTS): 0
Insight (INS): 0

SHADOW WEAPON NAME: Akumu Yume - The Nightmarish Dream
Kitsunes or fox spirits are known for their cunning and ability to shift forms. Akumu Yume was no different. She was a small fox who loved to explore, have fun, and express herself through actions and the creations she made with her own hands as well as mingling and hiding amongst humans. She had the ability to call upon the power of lightning to aid her when she needed to defend herself or those in need. However, after many years of freedom she was caught by humans with less than pleasant plans for her. She was forced to become one with some kid via an experiment and as a result almost died. In order to save herself, she absorbed a part of her hosts soul and slept for four years to regain her strength and power. Now that her sleep has ended, she begins to stir making her presence known to her host. The questions is will the shadow and the host get along or will they destroy each other?

Snow Rose (Anointed)  6WqeyGh

The shadow within the young man can and does talk to him all the time often becoming a great source of struggle as she and her host work on determining if they are okay co-existing with each other or not on a daily basis. Despite this she knows that if her host dies then so shall she, so when her power is needed in order to protect her host or those he values, she provides it willing by allowing her host to use her elemental and healing skills and also use her power in the form of as an actual weapons that her host seems quite comfortably using.

When the shadow weapon is revealed, they appear as a pair of twin handguns that are formed out of the crackling and chaotic energy within Snow. The guns are identical in their elegant design, gold trimming, pattern of blood red vines and spiders lilies that give off a glow with an unearthly energy that suggests they are quite alive. The handles are laced with a bone like pattern that ends in thin gold chains that from which hangs golden skull whose eyes glow with the same red energy found upon the guns. The only thing that makes them different is that one holds the color white under all the red, gold and designs while the other holds the color black underneath.


Resistances: Fire and Electric
Weaknesses: Melee


Strength (Str): 0
Agility (Agi): -1
Magic (Mag): 1
Intelligence (Int): 1


Level: 1

Hit Points (HP): 41
Skill Points (SP): 15
Inventory Points (IP): 3
Physical Defense (PD): 7
Magic Defense (MD): 9


Symbiosis: When you make a weapon attack, you may channel a Persona move through it. Pay the cost, choosing only the target of your weapon attack as the target of your move. If your weapon attack is successful, apply the success effect (but not the critical effect) of your Persona move to the target too. Any bonuses to damage, such as Last Life or the critical effect of the weapon attack, are only applied to the original weapon attack.

Last Life: If you have less than half your maximum HP, you take on more traits from the shadow bonded to you, and all your damaging moves deal 3 extra damage.

Snow Rose (Anointed)  2iSycts
A depiction of the Last Life form holding what was once the shadow's original form

When Snow's last form is activated he allows the shadow within to become one with him causing his form to take on fox like traits and his golden eyes to turn blood red as a new found strength and power flows through him. The guns have vanished leaving instead a blade of red chaotic energy that when swung can extend like a whip to strike with fury anything its master sets it loose upon.  

Elemental Attack - Fire
Cost: 1 SP per target
Check: Mag or Int vs. MD
Success: You deal HR+5 magic damage of the chosen element to the target.
Critical: You apply a tag of your choice to the target.

Cost: 1 SP per target
Auto: Each target recovers 20 HP and removes one tag, as long as the target is not KO’d. Alternatively, if you target only one character, you may double this move’s cost to remove KO from the target before HP recovery.

Last edited by Snow on Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Snow Rose (Anointed)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Snow Rose (Anointed)    Snow Rose (Anointed)  EmptyTue Jun 11, 2024 8:25 am

"Hrm... a bit of a loner, I see. I suppose that's what happens when you get thoroughly stabbed in the back. Don't worry though, you'll fit in with the rest of us here. We all have some baggage. Thank you for Enlisting, Snow." - Eloy Di Stasio, April 9th, 2015.

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PostSubject: Re: Snow Rose (Anointed)    Snow Rose (Anointed)  EmptyWed Jun 26, 2024 8:41 pm

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