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» Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry]
Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] EmptyWed Jun 26, 2024 6:51 pm by Cherry

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Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] EmptyMon Jun 24, 2024 3:16 pm by Huayan

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 Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry]

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Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] Empty
PostSubject: Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry]   Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] EmptyWed Jun 19, 2024 6:40 pm

Asca's Dormitory, April 4th, 2015. 3 days Before the Incident.

"Hey, I'm back." Aurelia walked into the dorm lobby, giving whoever was sitting at the kitchen table a very not-so enthusiastic wave before she collapsed on the couch in front of the TV. Unusual behavior from the otherwise spunky and energetic Aurelia. Since Eloy had gone on his vacation, Aurelia had been responsible for holding down the fort at The Adamant Vanguard in his stead. Sure, it was just three weeks, but she was definitely not the right person to be doing desk-work. It numbed her brain and made her irritable. As if school didn't give her enough to deal with. Math, English, History, Classic Literature... All of it gross. She was meant to be an athlete! She was supposed to be out there running and practicing for the MMA Tourney, not being nailed to a desk doing someone else's paperwork for THREE WEEKS! Ugh, the more Aurelia thought about it, the more she could feel her will to live slowly wane. She had barely made a dent in that towering pile... How he managed to deal with all of that, on top of everything else, she couldn't figure it out. Maybe it was the coffee. How else had the man not lost his mind already?

The tall blonde lazily picked up the remote and absent-mindedly flicked through the channels, looking for something brainless and stupid to watch. Eloy was not coming back for another three days... April 7th couldn't come soon enough...

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Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry]   Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] EmptyWed Jun 19, 2024 7:11 pm

Cherry was dead tired. School was normally draining as is, but with the new environment and an assignment saddled onto her shoulders right away to boot. The blonde's well of energy had been throughly tapped and now she was left with little more than a few sparks of motivation left to go back to her room and crash. Maybe listening to some tunes before she passed out.

Mentally walking into this lobby was weird. She wanted nothing more than to kick her shoes off and slip into something more comfortable the second she entered into the building, but she had to show a bit more resistant now. Resistant and willpower that was running in short supply as the intruder kept pestering her. For the last hour he kept talking, not even trying to string together anything resembling coherent words. Just random chatter to keep her annoyed and off guard. Cherry had to assume that this was all a ploy on Asmodeus's part to try and drive her up the wall and she was ashamed to say it was working. Cherry was damn near ready to slam her head against the corner of the lobby desk, really give that demonic fuck something to whine about. But something caught her notice before the last remnants of her sanity slipped by.

A cherry jingle momentarily overpowered the jazzy tempo that the dorm was filled with. Only to switch to a loud, boisterous song, only, again. To flicker into something more somber with what Cherry assumed to be Latin lyrics. (She was far more well versed in Spanish.) Somewhat out of it, she followed the string of conflicting noises, only to find a fellow blonde flicking through the channels on TV.

Not putting much thought into it. Cherry flopped back on the first soft surface she saw, that being the couch. The shorter blonde letting out a soft groan before she took stock of the other besides her. "Wooooooooo you're tall." Blinking in shock for a moment, Cherry shook her head and laughed softly. "Sorry, that was uh, weird to say randomly. I didn't mean it as a bad thing or anything. I think it's neat actually. Wish I was a bit taller myself actually."
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Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry]   Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] EmptySat Jun 22, 2024 5:13 pm

"Tall?" Aurelia's gaze hovered over to the newly arrived girl. What kinda greeting was that? She furrowed her brow in confusion. "Uh... Yeah? What of it?" Perhaps a bit rude of a way to start a conversation, but right now, Aurelia was too tired to care. "Oh, right. Heh, I get that a lot. But being tall is not all its hyped up to be. Sure, its convenient when shopping at a convenience store, but its the little things that bother me. If I don't pay attention to my surroundings indoors, its easy to hit your head on stuff." Amelia sunk a bit deeper into the back pillow of the leather couch. "Its a headache more than anything. Though it does have its perks, I guess." For starters, people tended to think twice before stirring up trouble with her. Aurelia's towering visage had served her quite well in her work with the Vanguard.

Not that anyone at Campus knew except a select few who had also been drafted into the Vanguard. A whopping two others. Another Anointed like her, and a Persona User. Though they were both lower rank, and currently on Active Duty at that, so... Aurelia never got the chance to boss 'em around, and have them do the mind-numbing paperwork. Not that Eloy would've approved... Apparently he didn't trust anyone else with that work. There was just no winning with that man. "What's yer name, squirt?"
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Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry]   Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] EmptyTue Jun 25, 2024 5:04 pm

That was probably unpleasant but she had to imagine that the upsides outweighed the bad. After all she would make a killer basketball player at that size. Plus with more height to work with, she probably had more muscle mass on her to forge and refine. Or at least that was what Cherry assumed. As much as she liked to work out herself she was woefully uneducated about the specifics of it, beyond the simple fact that damaging muscles would make them come back just a little bit stronger than before. "Squirt? Hmph, I'm plently tall thank you very much. I just seem short next to you." She smiled and extended a hand for her to take. "My name's Cherry. I'm newly enrolled, moved here a few days ago. What about yourself?"
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Age : 29
Location : Sweden. Undisclosed Apartment

Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry]   Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] EmptyWed Jun 26, 2024 11:42 am

"Heh, that's the case with basically everyone I meet." She gave Cherry a cheeky grin and took her hand, giving it a firm squeeze. "Pleased to meet ya, Cherry. I'm Aurelia Lamendola, up-and-coming captain of the MMA Club here in Madrial." She puffed out her chest with a sense of pride. Really, her journey as a martial artist had just started as a means to stay fit and healthy when she got drafted, or as Eloy put it in the papers nowadays, "Enlistment". The whole thing was actually the Squadron Leader's idea from the onset. It gave her something to do between assignments that wasn't just schoolwork, and it ended up being a good way to stay active and fit. On top of the health related benefits, it also helped with her work. Eloy himself played soccer to stay on top of his health too. Not on a big championship level, mind, but just competitive enough to keep him at his A-Game when his talents were needed. "What about you? You seem like a physically active person."
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Join date : 2024-05-24

Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry]   Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] EmptyWed Jun 26, 2024 6:51 pm

Cherry's grasp wasn't quite as frim as Aurelia's, but it was a good grasp all things considered. "There's an MMA club!?" Her eyes sparkled with interest. "That's awesome!" How was she only just now hearing about this? Man, maybe moving here would have some upsides. Learning more styles would be a great boon for her. Even the ever dour Demon in her head found the prospect appealing in a way. Like it or not, he was trapped with her for the foreseeable future or lord forbid forever. Having a host that wouldn't die due to a unfortunate run in with a mugger would be ideal. Of course better ways about that would be getting their hands on a firearm but Cherry refused to look into methods to make that a reality. "Heh, thanks. I try. I don't do anything to competitive. But I jog every day and try to do basic stuff at home too. Y'know, push ups, sit ups, jumping jakes. The like. I do try to make an effort to go to the gym a few times every week. In terms of fighting, I'm not the best at it but I have been taking a few boxing classes." It was fun but she was starting to stall. The few girls weren't providing enough of a challenge for her and the majority of the men wouldn't really want to spar with her. Not with any real intensity at the very least.

"What made you want to join an MMA club?" She would have thought basketball would have been the natural choice of club with her height.
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Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry] Empty
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Positive Mental Attitude [Cherry]
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