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 Agnolo Basile (Persona User)

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Agnolo Basile (Persona User) Empty
PostSubject: Agnolo Basile (Persona User)   Agnolo Basile (Persona User) EmptyWed Jun 26, 2024 3:32 pm


Agnolo Basile (Persona User) 3432423432432432
Cruising for a bruising.

NAME: Agnolo “Nolo” Basile

ARCANA: The Star

AGE: 16

APPEARANCE: Nearly every aspect of Agnolo’s appearance exudes an impression of a person well-acquainted with Ascanna’s Mediterranean sunlight. Perhaps, even, too well-acquainted; clearly he is a young man to which sunburn (or sunblock) means nothing, characterized by slightly raw-patched skin and split-ended brown locks that seem to exist in a perpetual tousle that frames his face. Calloused fingers and a youthful, lean build speak to an irrepressible sense of dedication and vigor that twinkles in his amber eyes.


PERSONALITY: A keen and intuitive soul, Agnolo is a bright youth who lives by the ebb and flow of the sea from which his family derived its livelihood. Amiable, easygoing, but alive with a spirit of boyish daring and dynamism, it’s hard not to find something about which he is not a good sport.

Full of the amusing sense of whimsy and metaphor of a longtime seaman, Agnolo has a uniquely undemanding and approachable way with words and overall calming bearing. Quick witted and an apt practical problem solver, an ornery teenage boy still exists in him - he isn’t made of stone, and it manifests in the occasional but rare out of pocket flash of emotion, whether in joy, misery, or agitation.

Similarly driven by a search for novelty, Agnolo is a person to whom the foremost object of his dedication is his craft. Tenacious in executing whatever task or skill he has set his mind to, he tries his best in every endeavor - and finds ways to try even harder whenever that alone does not succeed.

BACKGROUND: The first son of an unremarkable family of tradesmen residing by Ascanna’s seaside, Agnolo Basile was – as so many other citizens of Madrial – born into a class that otherwise did not enjoy or entertain any real chance of social mobility. That wasn’t to say that the Basile family was ill-content with their lot in life; there was little more to their lives than ensuring a satisfactory catch from day to day, and bargaining for a decent lot at market. Their son changed very little of their reality in that regard: he just represented the addition of a new (wildly energetic and zealous) pair of hands to better serve the family business, and a boy whose willingness to push and be willing to be pushed hard seemed to nearly outpace the speed at which he grew up.

A child of the sea became a dutiful young man, and Agnolo’s strength of character and daring were difficult not to notice. His good-hearted candor and intuition came to be more and more respected among his family and fellows. He speared catch after catch, from dawn till dusk. Climbed wave after mountainous wave at the helm of the Basile’s quaint fishing cutter as though he was born to them. There were few people around him to whom he did not have a good word to say, nor circumstances on land or at sea to which he could not readily adapt. In the fishing and sailing communities that surrounded him, there had never been an apprentice – and, only a few years later, a journeyman – so young.

More than one peer suggested that he might’ve been just a tiny bit special, or possibly destined for greater things, but he was modesty was great enough that such suggestions always went denied - he was just about as special as any Ascannan sailor could be, right?

Thus, Agnolo lived his life without any expectation or excess longing for a massive change in his fortunes. He took joy in sharpening his craft and in his skill, more than capable of tempering the ambition to broaden one’s horizons that tended to tug at any ordinary teenager.

Necessity and tragedy was ultimately the impetus that pushed him towards realizing those easily dismissed ambitions. A rookie fishing crew had gotten out over their head in an easily avoidable accident - they had dashed their vessel off a particularly unfriendly stretch of coastline. The Coast Guard had needed to get involved in the rescue; they requested a local guide. And, though he really had no intention of making an impression, one Nolo Basile was swiftly volunteered to undertake the duty. He did not fail to disappoint, returning in triumph - and carried right on sailing out for the morning catch the next day without fanfare.

Agnolo did not expect anything to become of it, and for two months, that was the case. He didn’t expect a courier of the Congregation to make themselves known in the humbler corner of Madrial where he lived. He didn’t expect their message to be one concerning an offer of admission to the Instituto de Santa Rubia. And he didn’t expect it to be addressed to Agnolo Basile.

A journey – an opportunity, an impossible one – had been thrust into his unwitting hands, and encouraged by the enthusiasm and elation of the peers and family that had long surrounded him, he accepted. Cautious of being a fish out of water, but with just as much spirit, Agnolo is poised to navigate unfamiliar straits.

SOCIAL STATS: [Social Stats are used for skill checks of non-combat actions, such as picking a lock or sneaking around a guard. You have two +1 increases to distribute among these stats as you choose.]

Knowledge (KNW): +0 [Used for checks relying on analysis, study, or information.]

Proficiency (PRF): +1 [Used for checks relying on agility, dexterity, or craftsmanship.]

Charm (CHR): +0 [Used for checks relying on diplomacy, persuasion, or acting.]

Guts (GTS): +0 [Used for checks relying on courage, endurance, or brute force.]

Insight (INS): +1 [Used for checks relying on empathy, observation, or intuition.]



BACKGROUND: The King of Argos and a wise but mighty warrior of the Achaeans during the Trojan War. According to many scholars, Diomedes was selected as Athena’s mortal champion on the battlefield, and, empowered by the goddess’s heightened perception, audaciously wounded the Olympians Ares and Aphrodite with his spear. It is said that after the fall of Troy, Diomedes re-appeared in southern Italy, founding a number of Italian cities and, as told by some, reconciling with the Trojans with whom he and his people had quarreled for a decade. Some sources cite him as having ascended to immortality, worshiped as a minor deity in the Mediterranean.

APPEARANCE: Diomedes is a cloaked Grecian warrior in battle-dress, clad in a studded and patterned leather kilt, riveted greaves, and dangling wrappings. A simple braided circlet rests around his head, and he carries a wide-bladed, long-shafted spear, inlaid with a gilded pair of emeralds.


DAMAGE TYPE: Melee. Agnolo’s weapon is a wood-shafted and barbed fisherman’s spear.


Resistances: Electric

Weaknesses: Ice


Strength (Str): +0 [Affects HP and can be used for physical attacks.]

Agility (Agi): +1 [Affects physical defense, initiative, and can be used for physical attacks.]

Magic (Mag): +0 [Affects SP and can be used for magic attacks or scanning.]

Intelligence (Int): +0 [Affects magical defense, inventory points, and can be used for magic attacks or scanning.]


Level: 1

Hit Points (HP): Hit Points (HP): 41

Skill Points (SP): 10

Inventory Points (IP): 2

Physical Defense (PD): 9

Magic Defense (MD): 8

Arcana Burst: You gain Extra EXP from finishing Social Link Threads.
Untapped Potential: On character creation, you get 1 Extra Persona Move.


Physical Attack - Melee
Cost: 3 HP per target
Check: Str or Agi vs. PD
Success: You deal HR+5 physical damage of the chosen type to the target.

Elemental Attack - Electric
Cost: 1 SP per target
Check: Mag or Int vs. MD
Success: You deal HR+5 magic damage of the chosen element to the target.
Critical: You apply a tag of your choice to the target.

Cost: 2 SP per target
Auto: Choose 1 Battle Stat. For each target, that Stat is increased by 1 for 3 rounds. This change affects PD and MD, but not maximum HP or SP. Each Stat can only benefit from one buff at a time. If you amplify this skill, you must select two different Stats. If this move is used outside of combat, the buff lasts until the target makes a check utilizing the chosen Stat.

Last edited by Zain on Wed Jun 26, 2024 3:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Agnolo Basile (Persona User) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Agnolo Basile (Persona User)   Agnolo Basile (Persona User) EmptyWed Jun 26, 2024 3:46 pm

"Ah yes. The Prodigy Fisherman, turned Coastal Guard. I remember this story making waves in the Gilded Crier. So you're the guy we have to thank. Pleasure to finally meet you. Welcome aboard. Good to have you." - Eloy Di Stasio, April 9th, 2015.

No Changes required. Character Approved Entry. Welcome to the Frontlines

Last edited by Rumi on Wed Jun 26, 2024 4:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Agnolo Basile (Persona User) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Agnolo Basile (Persona User)   Agnolo Basile (Persona User) EmptyWed Jun 26, 2024 3:56 pm

Necessary changes made. Thank you!
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Agnolo Basile (Persona User) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Agnolo Basile (Persona User)   Agnolo Basile (Persona User) Empty

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