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 So It Begins (Plot Event Reaction)

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Age : 37
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So It Begins (Plot Event Reaction) Empty
PostSubject: So It Begins (Plot Event Reaction)   So It Begins (Plot Event Reaction) EmptyThu Apr 21, 2016 6:51 pm

Theme of this thread: Here

After the meeting with the child known as Laim had ended, the young lady known as Calabus had stayed around the area wandering about for just a while longer. Her plan had been to stay until the early evening, but of course a visit to the planetarium had ended that plan abruptly. About time she had stopped examining all the displays in the area, the sun had begun to hang low in the sky and the abundance of people that gathered had increased.

Swimming against the tide of bodies, Calabus managed to make it outside and to the edge of the flood of people that flocked towards the park while the overflow headed elsewhere. As everyone was headed inward, Calabus was heading in the opposite direction mainly towards the overly empty yet crowded parking lot of the area. While there were no people here, the amount of cars packed here was amazing. It was almost impossible for her to find her motorbike amongst all the jumble of metal, but in the setting sun she was able to find it on the far end of the lot thankfully undamaged by drivers with… “unique” parking skills.

Amazed at how close some had dared to come to her bike, the young woman would pause to dig in the bag across her shoulder to find the keys there. Taking the keys out of the bag, she would turn to the saddle bags on her bike to unlock the decorative skull locks on the one nearest her. Once the bag was unlocked she would take her bag from her shoulder, open the saddle bag, and slip her bag into the secure pouch.


Sometime later when the sun had finally set, Calabus would still be in the parking lot sitting on top of someone’s car with her legs folded under her and her tablet in hand. She had been surfing the web for some time now and kind of forgot that she was suppose to be leaving. She was so wrapped up in a video and enjoying the night air that she had almost forgotten where she was…that was until the video service she was using was interrupted to broadcast something that was occurring here. As she recognized the R&D Park that was displayed on the screen and heard the organizer’s word come across her headphone’s speakers, she’d listen as he got folk to move over to make room for whatever the scientists were going to reveal.

So it was almost time….

A knot formed in her stomach at the thought as a voice soft yet so familiar voice began to whisper to her. The whispers started in a foreign language and would remain that way creating a strange hum within the girl’s mind. As the hum settle, she would look up from her screen as a strange light in the not so far distance caught her eyes. It looked like it came from the direction of the the R&D building, but why?

Oh the fam arrived!

The words were crisp and clear as something within her decided to become aware of the world once more. It was the voice that had been with her since she was born...her demon. The demon use to speak to her a lot when she was younger, but once she started being a business woman it had become quiet….and now the voice was back again after two years of almost complete silence....and the happy tone it spoke in made Calabus feel cold. What did it mean by "the fam"?

She knew the demon could hear her thoughts just as she could hear it. She could even imagining it smiling mischievously at her as let some silence pass between them before speaking again.

This will a good learning session for the humans that didn’t believe ya before. A great cultural experience! You really should be thanking whoever invited them here for this. Such an honor, human!

The voice finished with a chuckle; however, by this time the girl was not listening as she slipped off the car and looked in the direction she had seen that light.

Should she chance going back to where everything was occurring or would she be safer here? The question left her frozen in her spot for now. What to do?

OoC Notes:
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Posts : 2254
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Age : 37
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So It Begins (Plot Event Reaction) Empty
PostSubject: Re: So It Begins (Plot Event Reaction)   So It Begins (Plot Event Reaction) EmptySat Apr 30, 2016 2:32 pm

Calabus would stay where she was, the tablet held loosely in her hand as she watched the dark parking lot around her. At first she was alone, but then a few moments after the world began to shake and a green light filled the area briefly, the young woman would sense someone next to her. Blinking, she would turn her head to her left to see a human like form leaning casually against the car she had been sitting on. The person there could’ve passed for human, but there were some striking differences upon the person. Namely the twin set of horns on its head, the fox like ears, and the strange wings that sent the faint smell of decay into the air.

This thing…was of the other world for sure and yet Calabus was quite familiar with it. Had been since she was very young; however, it had been a long while since this creature had shown itself to her in the physical world. Typically it stayed in her mind, but today---

“Eeek!! They’re here too!” a female voice would scream out causing Calabus to turn and spot a pale faced teenager who had seemed to be trying to sneak her way to a car. The other teenager with her (presumable a friend or boyfriend) would grab her by the wrist and pull her away.

“Shh! Don't scream and stare at it. It might attack,” the guy hissed at her as he did his best to be "strategic" about their retreat. Calabus and her demon would simply watch them go in silence before Calabus's eyes turned to her demon

“They could see you…” she began.
“From their words,I am not the only one they can see tonight. I am no sure what’s what due to the chaos in the air, but a door has been thrown wide open for us it seems,” the creature would say in a female and male voice that spoke at once. Turning its ash colored face towards the girl and looking up at her with mismatched eyes, the creature would give her a small smirk. “Kitty wasn’t lying about access being granted tonight. The real question is how will you humans handle this?” the demon would ask as it gave a light pur at the end.

“I don’t know,” Calabus would say as she looked away from the demon and back towards the area the explosion had come from. How would they handle this? If demons were unleashed upon the world then…what else was unleashed? Calabus would bite her lip in thought before looking at her tablet and turning it off.

She would head towards her bike slipping the item back into its bag before closing the saddle bag and locking it. She would get on her bike and start it up. She turned the front part of her bike away from her demon as she turned on the light. The light that touched it would reveal hoof like feet under the long black pants it wore and a fox like tail swaying slightly off to the side.
Looking over at the demon mostly shrouded in the darkness, Calabus would jerk her head slightly.

“Come on. Let’s go back home to what has happened to the world away from here,” she would say. The demon would nod as it pushed off the car and got on the bike behind her. Calabus would feel the creature lean against her and feel its arms wrap around her; however, just as suddenly as the sensation was felt, it disappeared, a sign that the demon went back inside her for the time being. Thank goodness it had some sense to know when to be visible and when not to be.

Pushing the bike rest up, the girl would give the vehicle some gas before maneuvering her way away from the scene for now. As she drove off she wondered just what waited for her back home....

~ Prologue Completed for Calabus. ~
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