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 M. R. Ironfist, the hearty martial artist gourmet teacher! (SS for Rita's plot)

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Space Overlord Bfroger6

Space Overlord Bfroger6

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M. R. Ironfist, the hearty martial artist gourmet teacher! (SS for Rita's plot) Empty
PostSubject: M. R. Ironfist, the hearty martial artist gourmet teacher! (SS for Rita's plot)   M. R. Ironfist, the hearty martial artist gourmet teacher! (SS for Rita's plot) EmptySat Oct 31, 2015 11:00 pm

M. R. Ironfist
"Only a strong, fiery heart can prevail over all the obstacles in life! My one and only role is to strenghten the hearts of you younglings, so that you may, one day, shine as bright as my blazing fist! Hyahahaha!"

The Biography

Birth Name: Manton Ridgemuscle ("Hello there, my name is...") Note: Ironfist is a surname he made up for himself so that his intials would spell Mr. Ironfork.
Aliases: Sir ("I am your teacher and I demand that you address me appropriately, haha!")
Gender: Male ("The malest of male!")
Age: 37 ("The beautiful number of 37! Look, the digits add up to 10, haha! Who would have said?")
Birth Day: 9th of April ("A true man pays no heed to such trifles! ...but if you really want to know, it's 9th of April. Eh, not really manly, now is it...")
Arcana: Chariot ("The unstoppable Chariot! Boom!")
Place of Residence: "Ha! I do not have a home! My attention is undividedly focused on helping my studnts grow, and therefore, I mustn't take a break at any time! It most certainly isn't the case that I cannot afford one, nonono!"
School Year: n/a ("Do I look like a student!? I didn't think so! Hmpf!")

After School Club: n/a ("Nope!")

Part Time Job: Teacher extraordinaire ("I am a freelance teacher, master of the fist and the best gourmet chef in town! Fear me, ha ha!")

Base & Transformed Appearance: His base appearance is of a man in his thirties with bombastic blonde hair held up by a headband and sidburns that neatly frame his face. He is rather slim and boasts an array of muscles he developed through willpower as he emerged as an Shadow Self (or so he claims).

When transformed, he changes little, as he considers his human form to be the most dignified, and always says that it is the only way a true man can look like. He does, however, sprout pointy ears and his fists grow a wee bit larger and tougher. He usually stays in his transformed appearance, as there is no need for him to hide who he is. And besides, it would be disgraceful to do so, and a true man never disgraces himself nor anyone else!

He is 182 cm tall and weighs around 90 kg.

Feast your eyes!:

Personality: An over the top man, always loudly proclamating his thoughts and spreading ambigous and usually nonsensical advice to all the ears ready to listen. His dream is an twisted ideal in which he, who posseses no knowledge on most common subjects whatsoever, is a roaming teacher with the goal of flunking as many students possible in order to prepare them and motivate them to be the best they can be. He appreciates art in all of its forms and is keen on making up various punishments for whoever he percieves as one of his students. He is also very protective of his students and takes it as his duty to keep everybody safe, as they are his responsibility. He is an unorganized mess of a personality and really has no direct goal in mind, save for the whole teacher thing. Oh well.

The Potential

Strengths: (Anything your character is skilled in, such as Martial Arts/ Drawing/ etc? You are allowed a maximum of five strengths and a minimum of three.)

Strength Name: "I shall strike you before you can even see me! Fork poke, hyah!"
Description: Agility strenght. The unrelenting force of manliness brimming inside his chest pushes his body beyond regular human limitations. His reflexes are outstanding and his footwork will leave any enemy unprepared. Doubles movement speed in dungeons and increases his range in active time combat by 3 spaces. He claims he can deliver up to 23 and a half punches in only one second, but that claim might be a bit overexaggerated. He can only do 16. ("Ha ha! My determination fuels my heart! My feet shall never give in to evil! Now bow before my superior reflexes!")

Strength Name: "Brains or brawn? None, true strenght comes from the heart! And I have plenty of heart! Haha!"
Description: Physical strenght strenght. One punch is enough to break through a brick wall and/or crush a human's breastplate. In day to day activities, however, it is most useful when it comes to opening various cans and jars when one is in a pickle. Get it? Jars? Pickels? Hehe. ("Huuuuuuuwatah! If you don't solve this equation I will break your right arm, haha! You have 3 minutes to do so!" - How to motivate your students, M. R. Ironfist, lesson 7: Break a leg, Timmy!)

Strength Name: "Ha, hyah! Punch punch, triple kick, leftrightrightleft roundhouse big bang of pain, go!"
Description: Martial arts strenght. He is the master of the self-concieved chaost fist style of martial arts. It is an art focused on overwhelming the enemy with raw strenght and a neverending barrage of kicks and punches. Be prepared for a beatdown. ("Huuuuu-watah!!!")

Strength Name: "Hey you! Are you deliberately trying to get me to flunk you? Ha! If you are going to play like that, then you are giving me no choice! Flunked!"
Description: Teacher's charisma strenght. Every teacher needs to be able to keep their students focused on the subject at any given time. Therefore, each and every teacher develops their own variation of the ability to capture the eye of the masses, aptly called 'charisma'. It is an ability generally observed in the positive light, but sometimes (like in his case), it is an ability born out of fear and oppression, or, as he likes to say, motivational techniques. However, his way of delivering speeches, no matter how nonsensical, will still make you think it through. ("It does not matter whether they hate me or not! What truly matters is that my words reach their hearts, and lit them ablaze! That is what I live for!")

Strength Name: "Hmhmhm! Come at me!"
Description: Never back down strenght. There is a point in every man's life that they are given two options: either back down and live your life quietly, or raise your head up high and face whatever life throws at you! He is an excellent example of the latter, never backing down no matter how ludicrously hopeless the situation. Even more so if his students' safety is on the line! ("One with a fiery heart must set an example for generations to come! As such, I shall never back down, even if the sky is falling! Haha, bring it on!")

Weaknesses: (You must have the same amount of weaknesses as strengths. IE: Physically Weaker, lack of attention span, etc.)

Weakness Name: "Hmhm? Reckless, you say? Haha, well that's how a true man should be!"
Description: He is the master of the chaos fist style. As said, it is a very reckless style of martial arts, and, as such, it leaves a lot of openings. ...if you're fast enough to actually see them. Well, aside from that flaw, it's a style that also requires minimal mental effort. It really is just punch punch kick go launch special technique, boom! ("Punch punch kick go special technique, boom!" - from How to kill a mockingbird, an autibiographical novel by M. R. Ironfist)

Weakness Name: "Hmm? 3 times 7 divided by a weird looking table drawing equals 3 times x minus 9? Hmpf! Remove that gibberish from my classroom at once! No student of mine if going to dawdle into such meaningless things! What matters is the hearts!"
Description: Not that smart. Maybe it's the muscles eating away at his brains, or maybe it's too much meat in his diet. It could also be that his head had always been empty, but one thing is sure: he ain't no genius and it shows, both in the classroom and outside of it. Complicated mental actions require additional concentration - all non physical skills cost 20% more SP to cast. ("What matters is the heart, not these cold lines on the paper! In my class, equations are made with fists, and history is recreated using a fork and a spoon instead of a pen! If you have anything against that, you are free to leave, or else!")

Weakness Name: "Whaaaaaat!? How do you expect me to give you a passing grade when you have brought me such a meal? There are lumps in your mashed potatoes! How dare you disrespect both me and the ingredient by being imprudent and lazy in delivering your task? Flunked!"
Description: Attention to detail, attention to detail... It's usually a good thing, but apparently not when you are dealing with an overly-exhuberant, hot-blooded teacher. Is ir really staggering what little, tiny, meaningless things can make a difference between a pass and a fail in his eyes, while some other, much more important aspects, just fly over his head like they are mere trifles that should not be bothered with. Heh... Try not to get too annoyed as he evaluates your fighting style DURING BATTLE. When lecturing someone in battle, he divides his full attention to it, and loses a turn, which will pretty much be whenever one of his students misses a target, or gets critted, and also in several other situation depending on who does what and how. ("Nonono! You're doing it all wrong! Your leg should go above your arm, not the other way around! And to show you just how serious I am, and how big of an mistake you have done, I am going to write it under your permanent record! Hmpf!")

Weakness Name: "Inside voice? Ha! A real man needs no inside voice! He only needs a fiery heart of gold! Hyah!"
Description: Just like the title says, he has no inside voice, or maybe it's just that nobody has ever heard him speak normally, as he always seems to shout every single word he says. And every time he's told that he should keep it down, it always just flies over his head and he further raises his volume in confusion, because he hadn't done anything wrong. Sigh... ("HELLO THERE! WHAT A NICE DAY IT IS! HAHAHAHA! BOOM!")

Weakness Name: "Some people organize their belongings by various traits some of them share, like size or color. Haha! I, on the other hand, organize my belongings by leaving them unorganized!"
Description: For our Mr., being unorganized is a way of being organized. It is strange, really, how he always manages to find his way around the mess he creates. Maybe it's just how his brain works, I mean, if it's as unorganized as his stuff, then maybe it percieves unorganized as organized, and vice versa. We will never know. ("I understand that it might seem strange, but, to me, your ways are just as strange! Imagine, for example, if you were a pea. Peas are always boiled together, as a joined meal! You wouldn't take only a single pea and boil it alone, now would you? And that is why I leave everything unorganized!" - How to be a teacher, M. R. Ironfist)

Soul Bound Weapon: (This is the weapon you'll be able to summon to your hand while in combat. This weapon is special for your character specifically and forms when you transform into your True Self. This can be anything but a Gun (Or gun related weapon unless pre-purchased with a Nihil Soul))

Weapon Name: "Fists of doom, boom!"
Weapon Description: His fists and legs. They are as hard as a rock and as precise as a spear! ("I shall keep striking firm with my fists even if it doesn't work to show my students that you must never give up until you've reached your goal! My determination shall fuel their young, developing minds, and slowly model them into real men and women, ha ha!")
Weapon Image: n/a
Weapon Attack Type: Strike
Weapon Element: (Leave this blank. Only special weapons obtain an element behind its blows.)

The Background

History: M. R. was born and raised in Parangelia, where his mother and father schooled him and raised him to be a resarcher. He, however, never showed any aptitude for any work that required heightened mental capabilities, so when he turned 18, he pretty much failed at life by default, and ended up becoming a hot dog stand owner at the corner of 2nd and, I dunno, some other street. He was always passively flowing with things and it slowly ate away at his happiness that he was never able to become what he wanted to be - a martial artist gourmet teacher that travelled the tower looking for students to teach all over the world.

Then he turned 37. And it is finally time for his Shadow to take charge and bring his dreams to reality!

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M. R. Ironfist, the hearty martial artist gourmet teacher! (SS for Rita's plot) Empty
PostSubject: Re: M. R. Ironfist, the hearty martial artist gourmet teacher! (SS for Rita's plot)   M. R. Ironfist, the hearty martial artist gourmet teacher! (SS for Rita's plot) EmptySat Oct 31, 2015 11:29 pm

I like it. Approved.
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