This island is one of the largest islands, however it is rather cluttered with different architecture. Some is very modern, which even that doesn't look very good while others are normal rural homes, and much of them are either half-made or broken shacks. This island is the cheapest, yet less fortunate of the bunch. The base of it is below sea level, so it has a much higher risk of flooding during high tide and rain. The best things there are probably athletic and sports related, cause that is usually the best they have there. Skate parks, basketball courts, and even one football stadium still managing to be intact after all this time. There is a station/dock that is on the end of the island pointing to the prison, where several small ships lay for prisoners to take, and some smaller boats for single police officers to go to, and the police do not tend to bother with those of this islands, many thinking of as a lost cause unless government help is given. This island does have beach areas, but like the prison, it is not frequented by visitors, so they might as well be as beach-less as the prison.