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PostSubject: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptyWed Jun 12, 2024 5:29 pm

"The usual, please." The blonde man slid the required payment over the counter as he ordered the usual from his favorite coffee shop. Getting his morning coffee here at Pezzano's was part of his morning routine. Every day, the same order. It was almost as if no time at all had passed since he last placed an order here. Today was his last day Off-Duty. He had spent the past couple of weeks of his holiday on a road trip with his younger brother through Ascanna, and had only just returned home yesterday. Despite all this time, he had no troubles waking up on time and slipped seamlessly back into his usual routine.

The barista took the offered cash and immediately set to work, swishing back and forth behind the counter, making sure his coffee was absolutely perfect. While the barista was busy, the blonde man sat down at a table for two, near the establishment's windows, giving the busy morning streets of Riva Mare's shopping district a cursory glance. He pulled out his phone from under his jacket, opened a web browser, and started catching up on what had happened during the two weeks he had been away. From the looks of things, not a whole lot had transpired in his abscence. Not that he was particularly suprised. Things had been awfully calm the past couple of months. Almost to the point of his job getting dull.

"Here you go, sir." The blonde man looked up from his phone when the barista addressed him. "Ah. Grazie, signora." The barista gave a warm smile and set the paper cup down on the table. A name was written on it, next to the Cafeteria logo, with black marker: Eloy. The barista left shortly thereafter to attend to other customers, and Eloy took his first sip. There was something about this cafeteria's brews that hit just the right spot. The aroma and flavor was almost nostalgic. It reminded him of simpler days. Perhaps that's why he came here every morning before work.

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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptyWed Jun 12, 2024 6:11 pm

That day was one of the somewhat rare days Huayan had forced himself to go out somewhere instead of staying holed up inside. For the most part, he really wasn't a huge fan of partaking in most activities that could lead to unplanned socializing but at the same time he knew avoiding it entirely was not a good thing for him in the long term. Which was why on this particular day he found himself getting coffee at the shop rather than making his own, trying to find some solace in the fact that at least the atmosphere here wasn't too terrible.

It was all mostly fine, up until the moment he had decided to be nice to a couple that came by and could no longer find a free two person seat, only belatedly realizing that he then didn't know where to move to sit himself, finding himself awkwardly standing off to the side with his cup in hand. Maybe it'd be better to just stay standing....even if he was likely getting some odd glances from some of the customers for that choice.

Why had he decided this was a good idea again....?

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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptyWed Jun 12, 2024 7:32 pm

"Heh..." A faint smile creased the blonde man's lips as he stuffed his smartphone away inside his fur-collared jacket. The news really weren't that interesting. Nothing that concerned him or his work for that matter. Tomorrow was just gonna be another day at the Office. Heaps of Paperwork probably drowning his desk by now. But that was a concern for tomorrow. Today, he was still free to do whatever he wanted. He was usually not the adventurous type, and given his line of work, any adrenaline kicks would not hit the same anymore. But it was fine to just kick back, and relax.

He took another sip from his paper cup, and his gaze drifted through the café, mostly out of habit. He didn't really need to be on guard as much anymore, now that Matteo was back to the school life. He wasn't a little kid anymore. Turning 15 this August... Crazy how time flew. Despite everything, the kid was going to live a peaceful school life. Eloy would make sure of that. And just as Matteo's face flashed before his eyes did he see a young boy, not much older than his brother, give up his seat to a couple of love-birds. Slightly ruffled hair, black as a crow's feathers, and he had a pair of sharp eyes with a grey-ish jade tone to them. Such peculiar eye-shadow too. It was faint, but Eloy saw it clearly from his seat near the window. He gently nudged the seat on the other side of the table forward with his left foot. "Oh that's mighty kind of you, kid. Giving up your own seat for the sake of a couple." He gave the young student a soft smile. "You don't gotta stand there all by yourself. Come on, have a seat." The blonde man nodded towards the chair on the other end of the black, square table.

Off-Duty [Open to One] Sample_2a61b3ea9326916e381d0529ffae8dabd9aea878
"Heh, its okay if you don't want to. You just remind me of someone I know, that's all. The name's Eloy Di Stasio. Pleased to meet you, il giovane."
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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptyWed Jun 12, 2024 8:00 pm

Having been quite focused on the million and one regrets there were to be had over the situation and thus kind of spacing out while standing there, it took Huayan quite an extended bit of time to actually realize that the words spoken were aimed towards him. Honestly, if it weren't for the man actually mentioning his previous actions to link the two situations together, he likely would have had that completely fly over his head.


Nevertheless, even if with a delay he would shift in his spot eventually, glancing towards the blonde man making his offer. He hadn't intended to bother anyone, finding the idea far more uncomfortable than just settling with standing for the rest of his time here. However now that someone made the former decision for him...well, he couldn't pretend to ignore it, unless he wanted to flip things upside down and look rude instead.

"I suppose...if you really don't mind." He would do his best to stride over without looking too awkward about it, settling on the seat, still clutching the cup in his hand for now as his brows drew into a very faint furrow. "Hello...My name is Huayan Fei." Well, at least he didn't forget to greet in kind, wherever that would go...
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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptyWed Jun 12, 2024 8:32 pm

Oh yeah, the kid looked mighty uncomfortable alright. Maybe he didn't take well to crowds, or just the noise? There was an air of awkwardness surrounding the boy that was difficult to miss. It was written all over his body language. The empty stare into nothing, the slight fidget to his posture, and his expression told Eloy a fair deal. Much to the blonde Vanguard's delight, the boy took up on his offer, and sat down at the table. Now that he got closer to Eloy did the boy's features start to separate themselves from Matteo. Mixed heritage by the looks of things, Part Asian, if he had to make an educated guess, although the almond-shaped eyes kind of gave that bit away.

"Heh, oh don't you worry about me, I'm fine." Eloy chuckled, relaxing his posture a bit where he sat. Didn't want to give the wrong impression. "Huayan Fei, eh..." His brow furrowed, giving the kid an inquisitive look. Foreign surnames were quite uncommon in Ascanna. And an Asian one at that. Couldn't be many of them around these parts, with what how strict the Congregation's legislation was around immigration. Though it was not unheard of. He had met and talked with both men and women who originally hailed from East Russia before as part of his work, but encounters like those were few and far between. The more likely foreigners one would chance upon here were Europeans, though it was still quite rare.

"So what did you get to drink? Tea? Coffee?" Eloy's old mentor used to say that you could tell a lot about a person based on their taste in beverages, and while Eloy himself didn't quite agree, it was a custom which he picked up from the man, and made it a habit to ask. Besides, it made for a good conversation starter, when it was relevant.
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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptyWed Jun 12, 2024 8:49 pm

He had to mentally bite his tongue there so he wouldn't say something stupid along the lines of 'I'm not' in response to that. Really, he was far more worried about himself than the man in this situation, but of course without context that would have not come off the right way at all. So he would just resort to a nod instead, his posture kept straight in contrast to the blonde. Still, despite his seeming tension, the young man didn't appear to be genuinely ready to bolt or afraid, a bit of a mixed bag perhaps when it came to trying to figure him out.


Right, the drink. He would finally set the cup on the table for now, having been reminded of it. "Coffee...though I do like both." In fact, he did drink tea a little more often, as too much caffeine on accident did nothing to help his already unfortunate tendency to act more anxious than he needed to. Still, it was nice once in a while.

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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 5:02 pm

"Ah, I see. I'm usually more of a coffee person in the mornings. I find it wakes me up a bit better than tea." He chuckled faintly, looking down at his own cup. "Not that there's much of a difference in terms of overall caffeine. I think for me, its just the bitter flavor that coffeee has which wakes me up a bit better. Not that I would say no to a cup of tea if someone offered me." He gave the young teen an examining look. His deep, violet eyes seemed to almost pierce through Huayan's skin, and probe his brain. Not that... he actually did any such thing. His gaze was intense, but not threateningly so. Despite how similiar he was to Matteo in terms of looks, the two could not have been any more different as people even if they tried. His younger brother was brash, inquisitive and you couldn't get him to shut up once he got going. Huayan on the other hand... Seemed much more reserved. Almost to an awkward degree. Not that the kid seemed to be all that afraid to talk. Could just be caution. Or him being nervous. "You could say I'm somewhat of a regular around here. Heh, I usually don't even have to tell them what I want anymore. They know. Though I suppose I have been going to this joint for the past 3 years, give or take. Almost every day. So... They've had to have picked up on my tastes." He averted his gaze from the boy shortly thereafter, taking another sip from his cup. "When it comes to tea... I know its a little boring of an answer, but "Earl Grey" has been the go-to for me. Its not overly complex, nor does it just taste like grass, or fruit. Huh. I suppose I just like bitter stuff." He rest his chin on his left palm. "But enough about me. What about yourself?"

Had he lost his charming touch in the weeks he had been gone from Madrial? Or was this "Huayan" just that tight-lipped? Not that Eloy minded much. He just had to work out what clicked with the kid, and get him to talk, if only a little bit. And working that Puzzle was just the thing he happened to enjoy the most.
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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 6:00 pm

Trying to figure out his brain would most likely send one for a loop, as he was by all means not quite like what the average teenager would be expected to be. He was most certainly rather...underresponsive, for the lack of a better word. He did appear to be listening to what the man was saying, but there was an obvious lack of active engagement as far as the general vibe he gave went. Then again, the fact that he was here alone and had not sought to sit with someone on his own was perhaps enough of an indication that he was hardly the chatterbox type by default.

Nevertheless, he did register the question thrown at him, his initial response a faint hum as he rested his hands loosely on the edge of the table, absentmindedly tapping his fingers against its surface a bit, seemingly in thought about what to say for a couple moments. "I'd choose green usually has a somewhat less preferable taste." It wouldn't do good to always drink the very same stuff though, so some variation was necessary. "I typically make my own though. I don' crowds, so I do not go out like this very often." When he did, he liked to choose less frequented hours, or he stuck around for a relatively short time only. It was frankly enough that he had to consistently deal with rowdy crowds at school, adding to it outside of that was far more than he wanted to deal with on most days.

He would look a bit more directly at the man at that point, a somewhat questioning expression on his face for once. "You seem like a people person." Well...a resonable assumption to make, given the man was pretty eager to invite a stranger to sit with him, and engage in quite a conversation with them just because.
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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 7:23 pm

"Never been much for green tea myself, but a guy at work I know loves the stuff." He chuckled faintly. "Not that I think its bad, mind. Its just not my thing." He was more of a Dark-tea guy. English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Ceylon, and maybe Oolong tea if he felt particularly fancy, though he never had the stuff at home, aside from like one box of Earl Grey stuffed away inside the pantry. The only reason why he even bothered to get anything else aside from that and coffee was his brother, and the occasional visit from Aurelia on the weekends. She liked her Rooibos tea. "Coffee does take some getting used to in order for you to like it. I certainly didn't at first. But the lads at work were all drinking it every morning when I first started. I didn't want to be the odd one out, so I pretty much forced myself to like it." The price to pay for wanting to fit in. At the time, Eloy was quite young too, and with no other parental figures to rely on, the people at work turned to a sort of second family.

"Ah, you don't like crowds, eh? What brought you here in the first place then?" He couldn't help but chuckle heartily. "I'm sure you have your reasons, I'm not gonna pry." He paused. "Me? A people person? Haha, I try to be. Its not bothering you, is it?"
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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptySun Jun 16, 2024 7:43 pm

"Most people like's useful to learn to at least tolerate it." One less thing to be the odd one out about, which was kind of a plus. Besides as far as situations like this and ordering a drink, coffee was far more likely to be on the menu than tea, and with many more options for types as well. Luckily for him, he had been relatively neutral towards it from the start, so it wasn't the worst habit to try to pick up on. It not being bad was enough to be able to say that he kind of liked it, without needing to explain much further.

Tastes and decisions aside, the young man would shake his head lightly. "It's okay. I'm used to it." He had no other option after all, many people liked to socialize and especially ones around his age. "I try to not...get stuck just being inside. It's not helpful long-term." By all means, he could choose the seemingly easier option to avoid everything that was uncomfortable in any way, but what would that lead him to in the end? He wasn't foolish enough to think the outcome would have been positive.
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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptyMon Jun 17, 2024 7:06 am

"That was the thought process that got me where I am today, haha. Though I'd say I actually like it now. However, I don't take it straight black like some people at work. That's too bitter. A little bit of milk and sugar goes a long way." He didn't actually have the means to get his coffee exactly the way he liked it at work, hence why he went here almost every morning. Besides, the office coffee machine was loud and didn't make particularly good cups of the stuff either. On a good day, office coffee was passable at best, and on a bad day... well...

"I guess there's not a whole lot to do by yourself outside these days huh? I know there used to be this Arcade not far from campus at school, when I still went there. Its closed now though. Supposedly, the owner was fermenting heresy in some kinda cult in there. Or, that's what the rumors say anyway. I don't take too much stock into these things, but the place got shut down, so it does make you wonder." His dad used to take both Eloy and his brother there on the weekends when they were young. Those were the good days. When there was nothing to worry about. And now... he had everything to worry about. Paying taxes, cooking food for both himself and a his brother, work... on some days, it all got to be a bit much. But he had to work hard. Life wasn't a charity. Mornings like this one were valuable. Gave his life a bit of normalcy that otherwise was severely lacking.

"What else do you like to do then? Read any books?" Not that he was afforded much time in his day to day life to actually commit to reading, Eloy did sometimes listen to audiobooks on his own time. What the actual story was about didn't really matter all that much. It was more just filling out otherwise empty space with something worth listening to. Sometimes the book in question ended up being actually good. But reading wasn't really his thing. He did enough of that with all the Paperwork that got dumped on his desk every week.
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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptyMon Jun 17, 2024 9:07 am

At that one, Huayan would only offer a faint hum of acknowledgment, seemingly not having much to comment as far as different ways of drinking coffee went. He didn't pay much attention to others' preferences, not leaving him with a lot to try to compare against.

"Arcades are bright and noisy...that's not very fun. I'd rather go somewhere more calm and quiet." He would shrug lightly. The idea wasn't really worth the headaches and the games were usually very simplistic too. "Do you not believe that's what actually happened?" The rumors seemed to be of a slightly more interest to him...or perhaps he was just curious why would the man have such a take. Heresy was a pretty vague term to use, so it would be hard to disprove the possibility, unless you actually wanted to think it wasn't true at all.

"Books...I suppose I do, mostly to study though." He didn't read storybooks as much, unless something genuinely managed to catch his attention. He was far more likely to pick up an encyclopedia than a fantasy novel, although that was not to say an exception could never happen.
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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptyMon Jun 17, 2024 5:57 pm

Eloy furrowed his brow at Huayan's reply. He should've figured as much. Crowds was just not his thing. "Ah. So a library then? Or perhaps Emerald Park? " He didn't frequent the library as much anymore, as he was practically done with school, and given his position as a Vanguard, he wasn't exactly in a pressing need to study any further. The Vanguard was always going to be needed, and he didn't see that changing during his lifetime. Not with what little progress was actually being made. "I do sometimes take walks in the park, when I have the time, which admittedly isn't very often. Not as often as I would like, anyhow."

"Hrm, good question. Something obviously happened. The place got shut down by the Congregation themselves, so I doubt it was forced to close for anything involving money... Whether it was due to heresy, or something else, I'm not quite sure what it could be, but the whole deal..." He wrinkled his nose, as if he felt some terrible smell. "It just doesn't sit right with me. The Congregation doesn't just shut down buissnesses for a bit of heresy. Yeah, they'll take the heretics away, but that doesn't necessarily mean the whole joint gets closed down. Someone else could pick up the reins." He shook his head, before taking another sip of coffee. "I dunno what that could be though, so no wonder people are jumping to conclusions. But yes, I don't believe the rumors."

A wide grin crossed the blonde's face. "Atta boy. I wish Matteo took school that seriously. He knows he can't rely on me forever. He's gotta move out eventually." A hearty laugh escaped him. "I keep tellin' him to hit the books, but nooo. Don't listen to brother Eloy. 'You're not my dad!' he says. Well, shit I ain't, but I'm still in charge, come hell or high water." He paused and took a deep breath. "I just want what's best for him. Even if he doesn't see it that way."
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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptyMon Jun 17, 2024 6:17 pm

"Mm...those could do." As long as it wasn't during the busiest time at the park, of course. Families with kids and the like could make for quite the chaos after all. Preferences aside, he'd blink at the explanation given, a distantly thoughtful look on his face, almost seeming somewhat unfocused. "I it was probably something worse, but since it was not made public, people simply make up vague rumors?" Well, that wasn't impossible, perhaps. He did get the feeling that a lot likely happened in secrecy to some extent, whether because people felt the need to hide their actions, or there were other reasons to not reveal information. People turning to lies when it benefitted them was part of human nature, apparently...

The sudden switch up to the man finding the topic of studying funny would send him for a mildly confused loop as he just kind of stared at the blonde somewhat unsurely for a couple moments. "Well...everyone has different interests. How old is he...?" Honestly, there were more kids that didn't like to study than those who did, so he was likely among the minority personally.
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PostSubject: Re: Off-Duty [Open to One]   Off-Duty [Open to One] EmptyMon Jun 17, 2024 11:34 pm

"I reckon that's the case yes. I don't think people are dumb enough to actually dig into the whole affair." Eloy shook his head slowly. Top brass clearly didn't like what was going on in there, and poking around stuff they want hush hush, was a good way to get yourself into trouble. ""I'm guessing people were trying to figure out what exactly happened, and the most popular one spread like wildfire. That was a few years ago now though, so people have probably already forgotten." He gave a light shrug of his shoulders, and made himself a bit more comfortable in his chair. "It's basically impossible to investigate it now, without access to criminal records and arrest notes. And access to those are way above my pay grade. At least when it comes to official Congregation buissness." He sighed in frustration. Access to criminal records and such was sadly on a 'Need to Know' basis. While Eloy had climbed pretty high up the hierarchal totem pole, he still didn't have access to everything."The whole thing has been bugging me for years... But hey, at least the Arcade is still around. Just different owners."

"Oh, Matteo? He's 6 years younger than me, so that'd be... 15, yeah. Next year he's startin' at Saint Rubia's. He's gonna have a real tough time there if he doesn't develop some studying habits and discipline. I'm supporting him as best I can, but there's only so much I can do. It's a little troubling, but he does have time to change..." The blonde Vanguard gave a wry smile. "I suppose you already go there. To Saint Rubia's, I mean."

Last edited by Rumi on Tue Jun 18, 2024 11:00 am; edited 1 time in total
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