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 The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]

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Gabby A.
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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyTue Sep 10, 2013 9:32 pm

"I was not aware we had such drama queens among us. Kogami, I was not expecting your presence here, but you may stay." A disembodied voice spoke, and it rang out from the fog that shrouded the area. The voice seemed split, as it were two speaking at once: A man, and a woman. A shadow laced figure could be seen standing out within the fog, and telling by its stature and height, it could easily be determined as an adult. Well, if you assumed, atleast. "So you're the children that signed the contract? Isn't that interesting. Well then, I believe the duty falls upon me to see just how useful you truly are." The figure raised their arm and was washed over with a red aura. "Nyarlathotep, come to me." The figure summoned what would appear to be a demon to the uneducated children, but Kogami would be able to tell it was only a Persona bestowed upon them.

The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Bjikr5

When the Persona was summoned it released a high pitch scream that would be powerful enough to cause the others there to cover their ears in pain. The screaming went on for about several seconds before the Persona ceased and vanished. With that done the shrouded figure would lift a hand and begin to walk off into the fog. "Good luck, kids. Since you signed that contract, you should be able to handle what's coming. This is survival of the fittest, don't let us down now." The figure disappeared in the fog as pools of black tar like substances began to start appearing around the users that were there. In total, there was about eight of them. They had not formed into anything at the time, but one could easily hear groaning coming from them.

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Detective Akiyama

Detective Akiyama

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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 11, 2013 8:28 pm

When the figure appeared, Sagami wasn’t paying attention much, not even noticing they had arrived. Mostly he was focused on his headphones which had relayed his persona’s voice almost a year ago. If he had signed that contract, then maybe his persona would come back, maybe he could hear her voice again with enough time. Most likely he wouldn’t, even if he tried to, Hime was gone forever and there was nothing to do about it. The sound of ringing quickly hit Sokida’s ears as he gripped at them; it was enough to make even the man himself, cringe in pain. It soon ended and he began to focus on the figure that had most recently arrived but it quickly disappeared.
Steeping out from the shadows of the alleyway, Sagami would look left and right trying to study the situation. “Is everyone alright?!” He would look around at all the people who stood in front of him. He would sigh in relieve if it seemed the screech had done nothing to harm them. At that very moment, he spotted the black sludge on the ground, hearing it groan and moan. “N-No… Please don’t be what I think you are…” Backing up a little into the alley, back into its darkness he stared out and watched the sludge “Guys, be careful, please! If this is what I think it is, it will most likely kill you all…” Putting on his headphones, Sokida would spend the next few minutes trying to see if he could contact his old persona, he knew he wouldn’t but it was a last resort.
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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyThu Sep 12, 2013 2:39 pm

Cain was a little annoyed, to say the least. To him it was obvious that if there would be more benefit in keeping Kogami around for now than casting him aside. Everyone here made things so personal! People were fine to use each other in everyday life, to put up with those they couldn't tolerate or might outright hate in their jobs or school lives because they had too.  It was just the basis of society. No one had to like each other, but they had to grudgingly co-operate so everyone could get what they wanted. It was the way of the world, but everyone here seemed determined to only follow those rules as long as they followed their petty grudges first! Maybe there was some way to smooth things over? He'd have tried but it seemed that 'Nyarlathotep' or whatever the gods name was supposed to be interrupted. Apparently he'd decided it was time for their little get together to go south. He summoned some terrible creature that lout out a head splitting shriek and he covered his ears, cringing.  Well he'd wanted excitement right?

"I had to open my big mouth." He scoffed as the noise finally subsided.  He looked around to make sure the others were okay, but was instead met with the sight of odd dark...shadows moving across the ground. No danger? Yeah sure this place just seemed peachy. He'd have to have a long talk with Kogami about his definition of safety later. For now there were more important matters though.
"Oh, thanks Sagami! What would we do without you? Tell me are they going to eat us alive or turn us to dust? I'm dying to know!" He said as the man ran off to do who knows what. Perhaps he was being a little unfair but being faced with some unknown monsters and being told 'Try not to die' was a bit of a pet peeve.
"Run or try to find a weapon! Who knows what'll happen if we touch these things!" He said before scanning the scenery for something he could use to defend himself. He'd try running but he didn't want to turn his back on these monsters. So instead he kept looking and tried to stay on his toes. There was no telling what could happen next.
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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyThu Sep 12, 2013 6:51 pm

With Gabby's reassuring words, Vera's face became flushed with slight redness as she looked away and moved a strand of hair behind her ear. "R-Right, Gabby-chan. I believe I was right about you... You're dangerous for all the right reasons, and that is why I will stand by your side no matter what. I'm glad you accept me." This tender moment would be cut short when the blonde openly spoke of her disdain towards the newcomer, and he began to do some creepy laughter. Now Vera held nothing against him, and honestly held no opinion of him either. However, she was a philistine in all the meaning of the word, so speaking of Gods and cults meant nothing to her. She found such things foolish to speak about, and first impressions meant alot. Now Gabby was the only one here who gave her a positive first impression, but Kogami's was surely the worst with that drawn out speech about Nyarlathotep. The violet haired girl did not want to be with them for too much longer. She'd fall silent in the background and allow Gabby to speak for her from this moment onward. Well until a strange figure appeared in the fog. Vera squinted her eyes to look at the figure who held a voice that shared both male and female qualities. How weird. This figure summoned something called Nyarlathotep, the being the people had been spouting off about for awhile now, and there before them was summoned some weird creature. Of course Vera believed this to be nothing but smoke and mirrors, as she did not believe in Gods or the Devil, but that scream made her slam her hands to her ears and cringe in pain.

The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 5%28105%29

"Ugh.. What is that thing? Some kind of animal let loose in here? Surely it couldn't be anything else." Vera kept these thoughts to herself as she lowered her hands after the screaming was finally nulled and the strange figure was gone. Her violet eyes noticed black substances beginning to form around, and strange groaning noises appeared throughout the fog. Walking up next to Gabby, Vera gave her arm a soft tug. "Gabby-chan. it's not safe out here. We should get to a building. I have a bad feeling about this." She spoke in a hushed tone as her eyes shifted back and forth. There was a cold chill down her spine. "I can pick the lock of one of these doors and then lock it back when we're inside. Maybe being out here in the middle of the street isn't the best case right now. Especially if another one of those wild animal things appear and decides to attack instead of scream in our ear. We'll be torn to shreds." Those pessimistic thoughts were flooding over her as she looked towards her younger counterpart with wide violet eyes. Vera saw Gabby as her leader in this situation, and would not leave her behind. Showing only care for one person would not win her points with everyone else, but she didn't care. She just wished to protect her one friend, other than the silver haired boy she had met before aswell.
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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyFri Sep 13, 2013 2:59 am

Lorielle would be silent when Gabby spoke to Vera. It was not her place to step in her business, as much as Lorielle wanted to have everyone trusting one another, that may not happen right now. She would hear laughing from the direction Kogami was at, and very nearly stepped towards him, but stayed in place, staying true to her intention of staying with the larger group. Hearing Gabby's concern, she would let out a small sigh, lost in her thinking. Why would the person keep them here for so long? "Well, maybe the-" she was interrupted by an odd voice that seemed to come from everywhere, no matter how much she turned her head. The voice seemed androgynous, but not in the sense that she could not tell the gender that the voice spoke in; it clearly was speaking the same time. "Hello?" she would call out to the voice, eager to find the source of it. She recalled the voice mentioning Kogami, as if the voice had met him once before. She would not have thought that it was too odd, had he been put here like the rest of them, but clearly that did not seem to be the case.

After a bit of looking, Lorielle would see a figure that she could not discern in the fog down the road. "Guys, look!" she said to the group near her, pointing to the figure, albeit a bit surprised to see someone finally show up. She could not tell if it was a man or a woman, but they seemed a bit taller and perhaps, older than any of them. The figure would acknowledge that they signed the contract, to which Lori nodded silently in response. 'It is nice to finally get some answers around here...!' she thought. She was about to ask certain questions, whether he was the Crawling Chaos or not, but then he commented about seeing how "useful" they'd be, which made her thoughts stop. The figure would lift their hand, and have a red glow around them, causing Lori to take a slight step forward, still with the group, just a step closer.

She would then see a creature, larger than her floating in front of her and the group, causing her to widen her eyes at the sight. Dream or not, the sight was freaky. The was clearly some sort of monster. It was positively intimidating. Not masculine, nor feminine, but a powerful mixture of the two, which Lorielle found to be, enchanting in a way. Though, the practically enchanted Lorielle would clutch her ears tightly, shutting her eyes and only be able to feel disgust and fear at the scream from the being's mouth. She would let out a scream of her own, in a sort of defiance, but the scream soon turned into an attempt to protect her own ears and drown the scream, but not only did it fail, the others no doubt did not hear her. After the screaming stopped, she opened her eyes, the ringing in her ears staying for a few moments before she saw the figure turn to leave, making his final epitaph. "Hey! Wait!" she would shout, staying in one place, but to no avail as the figure eventually disappeared, leaving only the monster. Soon, her attention despite the big monster in front of her, would be taken by several pools of a substance, black as night. They were not moving beyond suddenly appearing, but Lori's suspicion would raise when noises were coming from the tar. "What the...? Guys. We should really stay together now..." she said holding her right arm out slightly at an angle, as if some sort of attempt to protect the ones near her, and also to make sure the two would stay. She would not say it out loud, but Vera could not have been more foolish as to suggest they split off. It would only prove to waste time, and require them to get around the substance, and find some way to escape, and who knows what the tar even does. She also noticed Sagami stay in the alleyway, which for him, probably was the better option. As for Cain, she would not attempt to get near him, partially because she would have to run to him. She had no idea what was going on, and was surely not going to let the others fall for whatever trap was laid.
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Gabby A.

Gabby A.

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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyFri Sep 13, 2013 12:07 pm

She nodded at Vera, “You can’t be anyone but you, after all.” She turned away and stared in a random direction, “I’m getting a little anxious, I must admit. Where is our host?” About four seconds later, she regretted that question. A voice began to speak from nowhere. It wasn’t male or female, but both at the same time. In the fog, a shadowy figure appeared. She assumed it was the one who had spoken, considering no one else was there. In mentioned the contract, so she also jumped to conclusions and guessed that he/she was the host. ‘Finally, some answers.’ She thought to herself, but it summoned a monster and her stomach dropped. This was not going well in the least. Gabby covered her ears as the creature let out a blood-curdling scream. Even while attempting to block out the sound, she could swear the noise would cause her eardrums to explode if it continued for too long. Once it stopped though, she removed her hands and tapped on her ear to make sure she could still hear out of it. Thank goodness she could. Rule one: Do not mess with the banshee who could make you paracusis. She didn’t know about the others, but she liked being able to hear. Then, the figure disappeared, saying something about survival of the fittest. Call her crazy, but she didn’t like the sound of that. Especially when mounds of black sludge started gathering around them. She must have been crazy, but they seemed to be alive and moaning. It was clear that people were not reacting in the most calm fashion, and she could understand why, but this was not a time to panic, even if she really wanted to.

Her first order of business was to turn to Vera, “There is no point in running and hiding. We don’t know what these things are or how they react to certain situations. Some,” She couldn’t decide what to call them, so she was going to be a vague as possible, “creatures attack moving prey, but leave those being still alone. Besides, they aren’t doing anything right now. If we lose our heads, we could make more mistakes than just staying here and thinking this through.” She had no idea what she was saying. The only thing she knew was that she didn’t know anything that was going on and stying together seemed like a better idea, “Besides, that person said we should be able to handle this. That means we must have some sort of skill to get out of this situation. Right?” She smiled slightly. Maybe she was showing that she herself was afraid, or maybe she wasn’t. She was trying very hard to hide that fear though. It was just something she thought would be right in this situation. Lori seemed to be holding up well enough, so her next issue was Cain, Sagami, and Kogami. She wasn’t really near them, so she had to speak up a bit, “Cain, don’t back sass Sagami. He was just trying to give you a warning. Sagami, a little more information than ‘they will kill you’ would be nice, if you know what these are. And, Kogami,” she had to admit that she didn’t believe in the occult and she didn’t care for it either, but he seemed to understand more than most of them did and she was not in the mood to play trial and error with these things, “how do we handle these creatures?” She never let her voice waver, and tried her hardest not to show the rising tension inside of her. Someone had to keep a level head here, and she was happy to play the role. Besides, they were all in this together now. They would have to get along and work with one another. Even if only for the moment.
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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyFri Sep 13, 2013 11:04 pm

“Well there are two ways to do it but basically.. You need to get your eyes together…” Kogami said, walking a little closer to the little girl or boy, he couldn’t really tell. It was in no disrespect, but he just wanted them to be close enough to see what he was about to do. “Well, it always hurts the first time. When calling upon your persona, you would feel a strange sensation in your mind. Just imagine the worst headache you ever had in your entire life that only lasted for five seconds. Then it won’t hurt anymore… but the end result…..” Kogami eyes then turns instantly yellow, as he snaps his fingers. Raiza then appears around him, flapping its wings. “ This happens, and apparently, you guys should already know how to fight afterwards. It’s odd, but its knowledge that you already know, without knowing that you know. We use these to fight the shadows, there is also another weapon at our disposal. “ Kogami the calls out his buster blade, a gigantic sword that serves as his soul bound weapon. “So whatever your strongest talent, childhood memories…ex-boxer.. kick boxer… swordsman… whatever materializes is a weapon with the highest compatibility to you. So don’t worry about getting something crappy, it would definitely be something to use. And I know I don’t have much of a good standing among most of you, but I’ll do whatever I can to help. I do want to change, so in any case, ill try to take the first round of shadows to show you how its done. You can use that grace period to get use to your new power, and sagami seems to know a lot about persona, so you can console him if there’s any question you want to ask that I can’t answer. “

Raiza flicked its ears and sniffed the air. Readying its blade and shield like wings, that only meant that there was some shadows getting close. “And we are really short on time, I don’t know if you have access to your persona as of yet, maybe it takes a while since you’re getting it in a slightly different way that I did. So I’ll take point until that happens, it’s the least I can do. “Kogami then walks past them, being in the front a little to keep them away from attacks t might be sent their way and from friendly fire. “I would have to do this properly, right Raiza? Or...i can try... “ The avian simply nods as it continues to look around.
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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptySat Sep 14, 2013 4:17 pm

The pools of tar began to finally begin to take shape. Five of the Shadows began to glow a blood red aura, and slowly they'd begin to float into mid air and begin to shift their forms. On moved before Lorielle, taking the form of a mystical being. It floated before Lorielle, holding the contact within its arms that the young woman had signed previously. "I am the Elk-Goddess of Hyperborea. The Wife of Chaos and Mother to you, Child. My power is yours, as long as you follow the hymns of Chaos." The Shadow turned Tainted Persona would vanish in a burst of red mist and bathe Lorielle with its presence, passing on the new found power it had gifted her.

Next, one of the Shadows would hover before Vera and shift to take form like the last. This time it turned into a figure that held a chest in her hand, waving long black hair and resembling a majestic woman. "I am Laverna, the Goddess of Thieves and the Underworld. I will guide you to treasures that only you can bear, as long as you remain loyal to your chaos within." The woman's chest would open, revealing the contract Vera had signed in her dream. Once this was complete, the Shadow turned Tainted Persona would vanish in a fit of red mist and bath Vera over with the power it had promised, awakening her potential aswell.

Continuing suit, the next Shadow would move before Aithne, shifting its form into that unlike the other two Tainted Personas. This one took the form of a beast, which was unusual seeing how Gabby was most likely the cutest one of them all there. Within its maw was the contract. "CHILD OF MAN, I AM THE MIGHTY HIPPOCAMP. I WILL BE YOUR CHARIOT AS LONG AS YOU REMAIN TAINTED IN CHAOS. MY POWER IS YOURS." The Shadow turned Persona would vanish in a red mist, bathing Aithne and giving her the potential like the previous two.

The two remaining Shadows who were to become Personas would hover into the sky. They seemed to be waiting for something before they presented themselves to their counterparts. None the less, the remaining Shadows who were not becoming Tainted Personas would begin to take form and merge into a single being. Soon a tower of flames would erupt from the Shadows and shoot upward into the fog filled. It was obvious there was now a strong sense of killing intent in the area, as the Shadow took the form of a beast and began to breathe fire out, while staring down the three new Persona users, and the one who had already unlocked their Persona. The remaining to who had not received their Tainted Personas as of yet, would also catch a few side glances from the Shadow, showing that it knew they were there. However, the beast would not make a move as of yet. More pools of darkness began to form, this time at a wider area. Some forming behind Sagami in his alleyway, while others formed behind Cain aswell. Obviously, they would be the next target.

The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 392px-Demon_attack

[Choose your own battle music.]

Shadow Minotaur:
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Detective Akiyama

Detective Akiyama

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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyMon Sep 16, 2013 3:24 pm

What was going on? Why were there shadows? All thoughts going through the boys head. To many question for one soul person to answer. He would hear the sounds of his former enemies getting louder behind him. "Why here?!" Runnin out of the alleyway he would move behind the girls on the opposite side of the giant shadow. "Sorry for the late explanation" He would slowly raise his hand and point towards the giant enemy they we're forced to face. We call those shadows. They are almost always out enemies." He would look around to see if the shadows in the alley had followed him before continuing his explaining. "Those creatures that just came to you, use them to fight these creatures... Above all, survive. Obviously someone thinks our lives are just games." As he saw the two pieces of tar still floating he would smirk, for there were two people left there. "It seems I'll be joining you soon. Hang in there." Was it a new power or Hime again? Time would tell.
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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyMon Sep 16, 2013 6:15 pm

Cain let out a sigh. Here he was surrounded by...things, probably taking the last few breaths of his life and Gabby was scolding him for being sassy? He couldn't help but find it a little amusing. Well, it was likely he could, but didn't wish to. Things were going downhill fast, and right now he'd rather be amused than frightened. So rather than focusing on his fear he denied it existed, resolving make light of the situation. He slumped his shoulders and shouted back in a forlorn tone like a child on the playground speaking to their mother.

"Yes Ma'am, Gabby. Sorry Sagami, I shouldn't have been sassy. Let's still be friends, okay?" he said still keeping his eyes on the shadows. It seemed like even more had manifested nearby, one was floating in the air, and there was a giant one over by the girls which seemed like the biggest threat. The only solace in this situation was that none of the monsters had attacked yet. As much as his body was screaming at him to do something, either to run or attack he didn't want to risk anything that could end up lighting the fuse on this powder keg. But...if he just sat here doing nothing was that really going to help? Slowly, carefully, he started pacing to the side, away from the glowing red blob of darkness and hoping to circle behind the large monster over by the ladies of the group. Seeing as it was the largest threat, he figured it wouldn't be smart to bunch up and clump together. At least if it just ended up going after him, the rest would be able to escape. He doubted they'd be able to effectively fight something that dangerous, but if they could perhaps fighting on two fronts would help keep the creature confused and give them an advantage. It was worth a shot right?
"Note to self: Never try to play 'Conflict resolution' again. It just ends with you on your own, surrounded by monsters, and talking to yourself like a complete tool" Cain grumbled to himself quietly as he moved along, hoping desperately that he didn't provoke an attack
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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyMon Sep 16, 2013 7:26 pm

Vera gave a single nod to Gabby's words, as she crossed her arms beneath her chest and analyzed the situation. If Gabby could be calm, so could she, right? When the younger female was around, the world didn't seem so pessimistic as before. Vera was becoming quite smitten with her new friend. So much to the point that she wanted to protect her more than herself. That was probably weird. People were known for self preservation, but here she was being so clingy to someone she had just met, just because they were the first to accept her. How Gabby spoke orders to the group, it showed the violet girl a different side of her friend. One that flourished with responsibility and control. It made the fickled Vera feel alittle better about the situation they were currently in. Looking towards "Salami" with her round eyes, she'd listen to his words. Sadly she could not take him seriously after the monologue about the cult or Gods, but she'd listen on behalf of her friend.

She'd be easing the words if she said his speaking made no sense. Not just the way he spoke in jumbled phrases, but the context aswell. Vera felt as if he needed to take speech 101, or something along those lines. Though I guess he figured they wouldn't understand him, so he would do some weird snapping summoning ritual and bring forth a strange creature, not unlike the other before. Vera's eyes would widen at the creature before she stepped forward next to Gabby out of instinct. For someone like her who was completely against anything related to the supernatural, this was just mind boggling. It had to be smoke and mirrors!

Suddenly her eyes shifted over to the weird tar creatures because of their sudden change and red glow. It appeared as if they were up to something, and it caused a cold chill to go down Vera's spine. Things weren't looking good here. If things got too bad, she would forcefully grab her friend and run. The others could be used as a distraction for their escape. No offense to them, but they were not a priority. Suddenly three of the strange Shadows came their way and Vera braced herself by raising her arms over her head. However, one stopped before her and simply hovered while taking a new form. The young female watched with round eyes as the tar like substance to the form of a beautiful floating woman. To make things even more complicated, she spoke! "L-Laverna, the Goddess of Thieves...?" That made too much since but Vera didn't buy it. This was still a trick! Suddenly she saw the contract in the chest, and it all made sense. Though she didn't want to believe it at all, it did make sense and caused her to buckle over in annoyance. "This is so dumb! Nrnngh.." She continued to think to herself as she grasped her head and felt the foreign entity merge with her spirit. Now there was only a voice in her head, the same as the woman that vanished, that spoke reassuringly to her. Apparently Vera was not the only one, as both the blonde girl and Gabby received the same treatment. Their own.. spirit things.. looked strange. Vera's was so majestic, yet Gabby's looked to be a creature from the deep and the blonde's was a weird wood thing or something.

The violet girl pondered what this could all mean, but those thoughts came to an end as the remaining "Shadows", as the weird feminine looking boy called them, began to coil upon each other and take another shape. This was far different than what they had just seen. Suddenly a tower of flames burst through the fog and Vera raised a hand over her eyes to try and block out the light, yet continue to observe what was happening. A cold chill went down her spine, despite the heat, as the feeling of a killing intent became quite apparent throughout the area. Their lives were obviously in danger here, and Vera's first thought was one that any thief would think: Run!

However, something in the back of her head told her to stay strong. That voice did not belong to her, yet did. Such a catch 22. It was the creature that merged with her, reassuring her that she did not need to run from this menace. Vera, of course, wrote it off. But something the creature said did cause the violet girl to stand strong. "You can run, but do you think Gabby would? You'd be leaving her to die." The creatures voice echoed throughout her head, and the young female bit her lip hard. No matter how much she did not believe in this fantasy, she would not risk the life of her only friend. She'd stand and fight if she had too! But she didn't know how, and that was a problem. The creature of flame eyed her down, and she did a pain filled groan. Luckily the inner voice had another answer for this. "My Child, you already know what you must do. Summon my power and indulge yourself in the bliss of Chaos. My power is yours, and together we can protect and take the things you cherish most." The inner voice felt so reassuring and honest, even though it spoke of Chaos. Maybe this was why Vera would give herself into it and use it to protect her friend this time around. "I agree. So please, assist me, Laverna!" She spoke out loud, almost screaming the words as if she were yelling up at the sky.


The moment she accepted the chaos induced entity into her life, there was almost like a snapping going through her head. An intense headache came upon her that made her grasp her head and release a scream of agony. Not being able to stay on her feet, Vera would fall to her knees and bring her forehead down against the pavement. A crimson aura began to form around her that distorted her screams until suddenly, there was the sound of glass breaking. In that moment, Laverna raised from the young girl's body and floated above her. Telling from the panting and groans, it was obvious that summoning the Persona took alot out of her this first time. Hopefully that would subside the more she used it. Either way, Vera was rather surprised with herself, as she pushed herself to her feet and stumbled backwards slightly. Her violet eyes looked towards the floating entity and then back towards the minotaur. This was the best chance as any!

Laverna would raise its chest and it would open to reveal a cold mist. From within the chest, spike of ice would fire out towards the minotaur. Being the first time she had used her persona, of course the attack was rather sloppy. Many of the ice sickles stabbed across the ground infront of her, some barely missing Cain who was making his way behind the minotaur. Luckily a good brunt of the ice sickle attack was directed towards the monster, and if they hit it would impale the beast right into its chest. Once the attack was complete, the violet haired girl would wipe her forehead and give a cold sigh. This had to be a dream... Though her Persona looked over its shoulder at her to reassure her it was not. "This is quite maddening-"




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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 1:53 am

Lorielle would smile slightly at Gabby and Vera. It was nice to see they got along just fine. Vera just needed a friend. And if anyone, Gabby would be a better bet. “We'll be fine, don't worry guys. Cain! Sagami! Hurry here!" Lorielle shouted. For whatever reason, eben despite the shouting, she was acting very calm in this situation. She felt that she had to do something to maintain the order of the people, or panic would arise, and from it, chaos. And nothing good could come from it. As much as she did not want to admit it, she had never considered the fact that Kogami actually might know what he was doing. So even when Gabby asked Kogami for assistance, she would remain silent. She would look at him, and suddenly see weapons in his hand, right the hell out of nowhere. How insane was this going to get? Though, even as he spoke, she would turn to the monsters, now forming into some shape. However, facing the creature, preparing for a fight, the shadowy beings would slowly rise from the ground and twist and turn.

Five total would rise, but only three would glow a red aura. The three would seem to be heading for Lorielle, Gabby, and Vera. Despite her stress and worry at this situation, she would hold her ground as much as she could, until her eyes closed ever so slightly, as the shadow in front of her took a shape.

The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Yhound10

It was a female. Or..some sort of female creature, with horns where her head might have been, taking the shape of antlers, much like an elk. The being looked as though it was some sort of spirit, or perhaps, goddess. Lorielle would see the contract with the very signature she had made onto it. And Lorielle wouldalso hear it, her eyes widening as it spoke. ‘The Wife of Chaos…Hyperborea….my mother…?’ she would think. She was in surreal shock as the being seemed like it was staring into her soul, even though the spirit did not have any eyes she could see. “The hymns of chaos…? What do you-“ was what she could ask before the being disappeared into a red mist that covered her. She would feel something within her at that very instant. Swirls of chaos, swirls of madness…and swirls of power. She could feel whatever was just in front of her within her. Almost as if she was a part of her….actually, that was innacurrate. It was as though this power WAS Lorielle and Lorielle was the same madness, and power that she felt. The other girls would get the same power. Vera would get a lovely woman in a blue aura, and gabby would get a beast. Something that may not suit her in hindsight, but forwhatever reason, it looked like it might belong, just like the woman for Vera, and the goddess for Lorielle.

She would almost be in a trance when she turned to see Sagami approach Lorielle and Cain coming back to them, breaking her stare. “Shadows….” She repeated to his explanation, before looking back at the Shadows, two of which were floating high in the air, and several others had melded, burning brightly into flames, and transforming  into a large bull-like monster. ‘Sagami knows things….but I will never not be grateful for him…’ she thought. She would smile at Sagami, and turn to the monster. “I’ll protect you guys. I promise,” she said with the utmost certainty. Gabby, Vera, Cain and Sagami, even Kogami ready to fight despite all the trouble, she would protect them, and fight. Lorielle could see behind Kogami, a large winged beat behind him, as he was ready to fight. He called that thing a “Persona”. And right when she realized that, within her, the same motherly voice, with the same powerful tone spoke within her. “Fight Child. Wield the power that has been long meant for you. Unleash the power of chaos you need to bring your goals to fruition!”

She would feel something in her hand, and look down to see a large naginata, eight feet total, a foot of it being taken by the blade at the end. There is coincidence, and then there was a magical being giving you a weapon. This was her weapon. And she was going to use it. She would grip it with both hands, running beside Kogami, to keep guard over them. And then, the voice of the violet-haired woman would shout and unleash the word she would soon learn to become familiar with. ‘Persona…!’ she confirmed in her head. Though it was a short second before she would scream and shout before hitting the ground, and Lori would shout to Vera. “Vera! Get up!” she said, holding her place. Soon, she would get herself up, whether due to her shout, or her own force of will, was unknown. The being she had been face to face with before would raise her body, and she would see crashes of ice come down to strike the Shadow bull. Much of it did miss, but some ice crystals made direct hits onto him. She would shake her hands slightly, and by extension, the naginata with her, in a sense of inner victory. Vera knew what she was doing, but did Lorielle?

Lorielle would think hard, staring at the monster, only envisioning it being smacked against the ground, and taking it down. All at once, she would feel a wave of absolute chaos overwhelm her, making her drop her weapon and grab her head with both of her hands, making a similar shriek of grotesque pain that Vera had made. The pain would almost force her to fall, but Lorielle would fight to stay standing, and only writhed and twisted and stepped to the side several times, making noticeably violent spasms of pain, before lowering her upper body, still clutching her head. She was ready to trip and fall, but she would hold her head, the pain still excruciating. But soon, the pain would finally end, and she would still be standing, and her upper body would lift slightly, one hand falling from her face. She would realize the goddess’ name, as her red eyes, when opened, were now a bright gold.


With a crack of shattering glass heard in her head, a red mist would form around her, and the same Persona, Yhoundeh, would appear behind her. Lorielle did not need to look behind her; she knew it was there. With a quick motion, her hand picked up the naginata, and would hold the blade to her left, as Yhoundeh gripped her right hand into a fist, leaving only her pointer and middle finger out. Once she slashed the air to the right, Yhoundeh at the same time, would swipe with her fingers in a similar motion, and along with a noticeable red line striking in the air onto the Shadow, it would also make a noise of a blade cutting into something quickly. Once the attack was finished, she would stay in her position, holding the naginata with her hands. Her eyes would remain golden, and she would practically shake while holding her weapon. ‘I just did that…I just used the power of chaos…’ she would think, hearing Yhoundeh’s voice in her head saying the word “chaos” along with her. It was scary, and intense, and above all, exciting.

Skill Used and Damage:

Chance of Missing:

Chance of Critical:

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Gabby A.

Gabby A.

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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 3:24 am

Gabby stared in horror at the thing Kogami had called forward. It was definitely not human. She couldn’t even believe it was real. What kind of sick joke was it? Not only that, he had called a weapon to his hand out of thin air. That seemed like a footnote though. A large, unexplainable beast definitely took the cake. It was something she would never have believed had she note seen it. But she was here, and it was there, and she was a believer. And, according to Kogami, it was a persona and it was used to fight. No. She realized this wasn’t fear she was feeling, but excitement boiling inside of her. She wanted whatever the thing was for herself.

Her eyes widened even further as five of the black sludge appeared to glow red and rose into the air. She put up her fists; ready to pretend she knew any form of combat. Thankfully, her front was not needed. Instead, the once tar looking creatures transformed into something else. They had morphed so much that the girl no longer recognized them. Lori’s was a strange yet beautiful half-human, half-deer hybrid. Vera’s was a graceful and dominating woman covered in silver and holding what looked like a container. Her own referred to itself as Hippocamp, and it looked like a literal seahorse. It was large, terrifying, commanding, seasoned in its years, and fascinating. In it’s jaw, it held the contract that she had signed before coming to this place. Was this the ‘power of little description’ that Lori had said they’d been promised when she asked. If so, she was willing to take it. After all, that piece of paper it carried was proof that this thing, whatever it was, belonged to her, and she would gladly accept it. That frightening power Kogami had just shown off was hers to use now. For some reason, neither Cain’s nor Sagami’s had formed, however. That could’ve been a problem.

She could see the remaining sludge joining together to become one being. Maybe this was the moment she needed to attack. After all, both Vera and Lori seemed to be getting the hang of it. She was never one who enjoyed being left behind, not even by those who should be ahead of her. She nodded at the creature calling itself Hippocamp and held her hand out to it, “Shall we?” With her gesture extended, the beast turned into red smoke and seemed to dissolve into her flesh. It felt strange having something feel like it was bonding to her very being. Like being filled with ecstasy and fearing it was going to kill you at any moment, “USE MY CHAOS.” Gabby didn’t necessarily like the way it spoke. She thought it could have been a tad more graceful, but it did have the right idea. She gave a smile, even guessing that no one could see it, “Thanks, Lori, but I can fight. And I want to protect those I care about too.” She looked over to Vera, “I meant it when I said I would support you. If this is how I have to do it, I’ll succeed.” Maybe she could give her friend enough time to regain her composure, and Cain and Sagami enough time to figure out how to get their own Persona to form.

She wanted to beat this thing to the ground and watch it succumb to the whims of those attacking it. She clutched her head in agony as pain overwhelmed her. Was this the cost of Persona? It was quite something. She shrieked as the feeling of her head being crushed between giant stones while being stabbed with a thousand knives took over her mind. It was unbearable. She wanted to see the Mintaur writhe in the same kind of torture she was, and teach it not to mess with her or the people she cared about. That was her motivation for putting up with all this. As she was ready to call for her new power, her usually already light eyes began to glow golden.


She was finally able to call out her very own monster to fight the one working against them. Comparatively, the thing towered over Gabby, but she appeared to understand that there was nothing to be afraid of with this thing around. She reached her hands out for it and griped its mane, entangling her fingers. She kissed the beasts cheek, which was lowered to her level and smiled afterward. The half-horse, half-fish sucked in its breath and let out a roar that could move mountains. The roar wasn’t the amazing part however. The fact that she could feel the wind rushing from its mouth was. If her guess were right, it would hit the Minotaur around the legs, hopefully causing him to lose balance. Though she doubted it was that weak or she was that strong. Worst-case scenario, she had completely missed her target and would have to brace for any attacks the creature sent her way. Either way, after the event, she would bury herself in her Persona’s long hair, “I’m not dreaming. This is all real.” Hippocamp would whinny at her, making her laugh. So it could act like a normal horse.





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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyTue Sep 17, 2013 11:24 pm

“I guess it’s my turn then. “ Kogami didn’t really want to use up his mana, but he wanted to get in a good shot to help out the other children.  Raiza started to flap its wings at a high speed, sending an incredible wind at the Minotaur.  Kogami had his suspicions though, he had the feeling that the minotaur was exactly as it seems. If that turns out to be the case….


Attack Used

Chance of sucess

i hope you dont mind me picking music

Ufgh fine- ill use Gleam Eyes theme...better?

Last edited by Kogami on Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening]   The Seething Chaos [Mass Child Awakening] - Page 3 EmptyWed Sep 18, 2013 5:07 pm

The onslaught of attacks coming from the new found Users did not catch the minotaur off guard, but that did not mean it was free from damage. When the ice came its way, it was stabbed through by an icle and with its massive claw, it would grasp the cold spear and rip it from its chest by force. With a snarl it'd begin its progression towards the the users, digging its claws into the pavement and leaving its massive footprints in its wake. Suddenly a second attack came its way which was that of a physical origin. The Minotaur took the attack head on and continued its charge towards them, this time picking up from his walk into a sprint. The following wind attacks from the last two users would be dodged with grace, as the Minotaur fell own on all fours and dodged them while charging like a bull. It had the choice of attacking any one of them, yet fate made its decision and the target came down to being Lorielle. If the bull succeeded in its attack, it would ram into the girl's gut and yank its head up, sending her flying back a few yards down the street with force. The Shadow would stand back on both hooves as it turned to look at the three remaining users who were basically only a few feet from it now, and gave a huff.

Meanwhile one of the red Shadows that floated above would hover down before the one named Cain. It cut him off from going any further out of the area before a voice began to resonate in his head. "Do you plan on fleeing this area, Son of Man? No, you're too self strong for such a cowardly act aren't you? Hehe, what a lively jest! I'm bored, so how bout I stick around and lend a hand?" The Shadow twisted into the form of what appeared to be a strange Jester of some sort, though it was obvious this Jester was not human. It floated above Cain and wagged its head back and forth while giving an easy sinister grin. "Call me, Jester. But not Mr. Jester, cause that's my Father's name. Get it? No? Whatever! You signed the contract so I guess my power is yours as long as you devote yourself to the divine comedy of Chaos. When you need help I guess I could lend a hand or two. Haha! We'll see!" The Persona reached into its sleeve and removed the signed contract for Cain to see clearly. Once it was confirmed it would give a peace sign and disappear in a red smog, granting him the potential the same ladies were blessed with just moments before. The moment this occurred, the new Shadows that were forming would begin to take take a more definite appearance. With a blue mask and two outstretched arms, the tar like enemies cut Cain's path towards the rest of the group. There were only two of them he would have to handle if he wanted to regroup with them, or he could try to run. It was up to him, but he did now have the power to defend himself. This left only one red Shadow floating above, as if waiting for something from its potential host.

((I said battle music, not the music you'd play when taking your little sister to prom))

Vera, Kogami, Gabby, and Lorielle Enemy Stats

Shadow Minotaur:

Chance of Miss:

Cain's Enemies

Team of Duo Shadows:
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